The Radio Demon's Possessionon pt.1

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A/N: Hello ♪ This part includes a time skip and the Radio Demon over hearing something the girls talked about and getting a bit tight and uncomfortable. I hope you enjoy it and as always, if you don't like it sorry in advance.
2 months had passed since (Y/N) started staying at the Hazbin hotel and shared a room with the Radio Demon. There weren't any guests aside from herself and Angel Dust but (Y/N) still kept busy and worked hard by doing the chores or shopping that were required. She would sometimes run errands for the hotel members if their hands were a bit tied up.
The girls became very close and they would have a "Girl's Meeting" or"Girl's sleepovers" they would have fun playing with each other's hairs, doing each other's manicure, make-up and play dress up. They would sometimes stay up late and talk about their love interests. Everyone knew about Charlie and Vaggie being a couple and that they were so much in love with each other and all but Nifty, oh she was interesting. She thought of Angel to be a big brother figure and Husker to be a family pet and sometimes the father figure. Alastor was like the estranged family uncle that to would randomly drop out dated dad jokes.
"So, (Y/N) how are things with you and Alastor? It's been 2 months. Do you find him attractive or do you have any feelings for the radio demon? Or any emotions at all?" Charlie excitedly asked as (Y/N) took a small swig of jack she got from Husker.
Not knowing if it was the booze that made her feel a bit flushed or the topic made her a bit uneasy, she began to fan herself.
"Well..." began (Y/N), the girls oblivious to the fact Alastor had just come by the room to come and fetch her. He stopped and eavesdropped a bit. His smile getting a bit wider.
"Go on (Y/N) spit it out already! We kind of get the vibe that you got the hots for that unpredictable radio demon. The way you look at him, gives it away you know." Vaggie blurted as she too took a swig of an almost empty jack.
"Come on! Come on! Do you! Do you! Do you really like Alastor?" Nifty was jumping up and down, and sort of vibrating a bit with excitement. (Y/N) took a deep breath in and exhaled loudly.
"I do. I really do like him. He's been really nice to me from the day I...well came to hell. I know he brought me here. He could've just left me and not cared but he took me under his wings and brought me to this safe place. He even said I have a beautiful name. Something nobody has ever told me before. We share the same bed but he is a gentleman and always leaves pillows between us. He says it's to keep our space. He will always let me take a shower first and he will always stay up with me on nights when I have stupid nightmares. I...I'm in love with him and I sometimes dream of him fucking me up. I want him to make me his possession. I sometimes wish that he would just swoop me off my feet and we make love to each other and I don't know maybe get myself knocked up with his demonic spawn? I..." (Y/N) trailed off seeing the girls each holding on to their favorite plushie or pillow.
"Whoa...(Y/N) your feelings for him are so pure and innocent." Charlie's eyes sparked as she squeezed her duck plushie tightly.
"Yeah, it was pure and innocent until you said you wanted his demonic spawn. Seriously? Who would want to have kids with that guy? I get you do (Y/N) and I'm not judging but Seriously? That red blimp makes you feel that way? guess love really is unpredictable." Vaggie commented as she released her grasp from the pillow she was clinging on to.
"Why don't you just tell him you like him? That's a start." Nifty vibrated while holding a cat plushie that resembled Husker a tiny bit.
"What?! No! I'm not going to tell him how I feel? I mean we are talking about the radio demon here. He may be nice to me and all but I've learnt that he doesn't do love. He is his own boss and plays by his own rules. He doesn't have time for a simpleton like me. I'm more than happy that he's a gentleman and comforts me. I don't want to destroy the relationship we have now just because I love him. I love him too much to bring myself to confess to him." (Y/N) could feel her cheeks getting hotter. Outside the girl's room, Alastor could feel his pants tightening a bit and getting uncomfortable. His heart pounded loudly. Things it had not done for years. Was this feeling he felt for(Y/N)...
He straightened himself and slapped on his usual grin and knocked on the door.
"(Y/N), Are you there? I came to pick you up my dear. It's time to retire for the night." Alastor's pants became tighter as he waited for her response.
"Coming! Just a second please, I'm...I'm changing!" (Y/N) randomly blurted, trying to calm herself down and get a thumbs up from the girls. Outside, Alastor had imagined (Y/N)'s naked body on his own. It made his pants feel uncomfortable but he pushed aside his feelings and waited patiently.
(Y/N) pushed open the door and met Alastor's gaze, he seemed to be off but she assumed it was because she took her time and made him restless.
"Good night (Y/N)!" The girls said as they waved at her and again gave her a thumbs up. (Y/N)looked at Alastor apologetically.
"Sorry for taking my time back there and sorry again for everything. You're always patient with me. Thank you for everything Alastor." She managed to talk through her racing heart.
Alastor said nothing, instead he just looked back at her and seemed to rush to their room. It made (Y/N) a tad nervous but she kept silent.
Upon arriving at their room, Alastor quickly let her in and locked the door behind them.
(Y/N) spun around and was going to apologize again when suddenly...

A/N: And we drop off here...a cliffhanger! Well, I assume you may already know what might happen next ♪ This part was longer than the others. I hope this isn't boring for anyone yet. And why did Alastor feel uncomfortable? Alastor?
A/N: I guess not.
I hope you enjoy the next part as well ♪

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