Sweeter than the Morning Coffee

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A/N: Well, the previous chapter was exciting to write. This chapter will be toned down a notch and less steamy. I really do hope you all enjoy this story, and like always if you don't sorry in advance.
Morning came and everyone gathered in the hotel lounge for breakfast. Something was off about Alastor, he seemed to be following (Y/N) with his eyes and (Y/N) seemed overly happy while she made everyone's breakfast like she always did every morning. It was her routine. She knew everyone preferred to have black coffee and that they liked their bacon to be crispy, eggs scrambled and toast buttered.
"Is it just me or do those two seem weird today? " Angel questioned as he took a bite of his bacon. Charlie, Vaggie and Nifty looked at one another and wondered what had happened the night before. They had an idea but couldn't quite be sure. After all, (Y/N)'s eyes had the same look she had whenever she looked or talked to Alastor.
(Y/N) twirled past them and served Alastor his coffee.
"One black coffee and the usual for the big bad radio demon." (Y/N) giggled, earning a smile from him as she skipped her way to the kitchen to serve everyone else. When she came back and served everyone their breakfast and morning coffee, she sat down herself and began eating her own plate of breakfast.
Husker took a sip of his coffee but quickly spat it out.
"PFFFFF! What the fuck is this!? This coffee is Fuckin' sweet as shit! Yo, (Y/N) you've never fucked up my morning coffee; what's gotten into you? You seem off today as well man." Husker's sudden act made Alastor start glitching a bit as he was ready to strike anyone who insulted or harmed his precious possession. (Y/N) quickly noticed this and soothed his knee from under the table.
Everyone wonder as well, as they all tasted their coffee and sure enough, everyone's coffee was sweet.
"He's right. My coffee is sweet too. Too sweet if you ask me." Vaggie said as she stared at her cup of sweet coffee.
"Hey Smiles? Is your coffee sweet too?" Angel asked as everyone looked at him in an odd way.
"My coffee is perfect as always. Just how I love it." The now calmed Alastor replied as he took another sip from his coffee. He was enjoying the soft touches from (Y/N) that was slowly moving up to his trousers under the table. Nifty was quick as she grabbed Alastor's coffee and took a sip; she gagged at the taste.
"It's too sweet!" Everyone gasped a bit. They all knew especially (Y/N) knew very well that the radio demon always had his coffee black and if he was served anything but black in the morning, then, let's just say he would make whoever made his coffee a living nightmare until they made it right or he was satisfied. (Y/N) clearly made everyone's coffee sweeter than sweet and yet, here was Alastor, a smile of content slapped on his face. He took another sip of his coffee and exhaled wholeheartedly.
"Did ya guys fuck each other last night or somethin'?" Angel blurted; making Alastor, Husker, and Vaggie spit out their coffee whereas it made (Y/N) and Charlie choke on their toast. Nifty was too focused on trying to stab the cockroach that wandered into the hotel.
"What? What makes you think so?" Alastor's voice was a bit fuzzy but he still sounded like his usual confident self, whereas(Y/N) could no longer keep herself from turning red.
"Sorry, I...I just remembered I have to do something important." She burst out and excused herself from breakfast but not before she cleaned her own plate and cup. She ran out of the kitchen. Softly touching Alastor's back and fluttering her eyes in a beckoning manner at him. She was then off to their shared room. After a good uncomfortable one minute, Alastor stood up from his chair and put away his plate.
"Well, I should be off as well. I will be in my room or out." Alastor stated as he walked away quickly to his room.
"Yup, they definitely fucked each other." Angel confirmed. Charlie's eyes became big and full of sparkling hearts. She was so excited that (Y/N) was happy with her man and love was in the air. It was going to be a start of a sweet relationship. Sweeter than the morning coffee.
A/N: This chapter is short I know but the last 2 were longer so...
Right, so in the next chapter there will be another time skip and it will be an Alastor and (Y/N) date or simply some alone time.
You know what that means...most likely sex again. If I can muster my brain to work.
Stay tuned in for the next chapter☆

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