Chapter 10- Mistake

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It's my first time writing a story, if I did some mistakes pls tell me and I'll correct it.


Porchay POV:

It's been a long time since I met Kim. It's not like we know eachother from a long time or something but it felt like we do. His voice, felt like I've heard it before. His eyes, felt like I've seen it before. But I don't remember where and when. Why it's happening with me? Do I know him from a long time? Even if I do, why I can't remember?

These thoughts were fighting with eachother in my mind when suddenly, they got interrupted by my bff's.

"Hey, Pete!"
"Hello! How are you? Haven't seen you in a while"
"I'm totally fine, what about you? And where is Macau? He didn't came?
"I'm fine, and Macau, he'll be a little late. He had to finish his assignments that has been pending since ever"
"Oh.. tomorrow is the due date, right? That's why!"
"Yeah, Totally!!"

No one's POV:

They both laughed. Since Macau will take his time to come, they both decided to make some plans during their vacations, that were starting from day after tomorrow.

"You decided where to go during our vacations, yet?" Chay asked.
"Not really...but Macau was talking about those forests-
"Again? Pete, I told you about the forests. I don't think it's good to go there without safety or anything."
"Chay! Don't tell me you're scared! Haha"
"Shut up! I'm not! I'm just telling you that those rumours are not happening without any reason. There should be a reason,  Don you think?"
"You're right! But just think! We, college students went to the haunted forest and busted it's mystery!! We'll become popular, dude!"
"Haha...nice joke. What if we went and never came back? No one be able to even pick up our bodies!"
"You're no fun..."
"It's all fun until you see a mysterious creature standing in front of you and he's telling you that he's about to kill you!"
"And how do you know that they can even talk?"
"I was just messing around! Don't take it seriously! But still, I'm not in your plans. My grandparents love me so much. And..I have so many people that care of me"
"Your grandparents don't count in 'so many', who else do you have?"
"Uh? Y-you! And Macau! No one else..haha!" Chay blushed.

[Time skip to forests] No one's POV:

Four friends, Chay, Pete, Macau and one more friend, were infront of the entrence of the forests. After Chay rejected this plan, Pete made plan with Macau and other friend to take Chay with them, anyhow. They forced Chay to come with them.

"I swear, if anything happened with me, and you any of you survived, I'll haunt you in yours dreams after becoming an ghost!" Chay complain while giving them a warning.
"Yeah yeah...haunt us.. we're ready. But first let's go Inside and get on our mission! Remember?" Macau said.
"Yeah yeah..go on."

While Porchay was watching his surroundings, the other three friends decided to prank him by running away from him and leaving him alone. On the count of three, they started running that made Chay a little scared and he ran behind them too while shouting. "Hey! Wait for me too!!"

Soon, they reached at a place which seemed a little good to place their tents and other things. They decided to make a camp here. Soon after, they placed their tents and other things that took them all day, so the first night, they slept because of tiredness and decided to investigate anything tomorrow. But Litt did they know, a old man, with short temper was spying on them from a long time.

[In the morning] Porchay POV:

I woke up hearing the chirping of birds. It's nice yet scary to live between the nature. I went outside of my tent and looked around to see if there's any animal or something, because ofcourse it's a freaking forest! But fortunately, there was none. The ray of sun was hardly falling on the ground because of the leaves of these tall and wide trees. But it was looking nice. Nature is beautiful.

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