Chapter 11- Why?

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*This is my first time writing a story, if i did some mistakes in words, please tell me and I'll correct it*


No one's POV:

After a while, Chay washed up and went downstairs to see Kim. He saw Kim sitting on the couch in the living room. He already washed up. 'He's fast' Chay thought. He was about to go to Kim but got stopped from the rumbling of his stomach.
Kim heard it because it was well loud. He smiled and went to Chay.

"You washed up?"
"Yeah, your clothes are the double size of mine. But still, thanks for them"
"There's no need of thanks, you know? By the way, you wanna eat something, before we go to your friends?"
"No, I'm fine-" Chay's stomach again made the rumbling sound.
"Maybe you're fine but your stomach is not. Let's eat something first and then go, yeah?"

Chay just nodded from embarrassment. Kim smiled and lead him to the kitchen. Chay went to the dining table and the first thing that caught his attention was coffee. He asked for it in the morning and Kim bought it only for him. He thanked Kim again and started eating the food that was already served.

Kim didn't knew how to cook because he never had eaten anything else other than animals and blood. While, Chay was in the shower, he went to the city and bought all the things only for him. He was sitting on the table infront of Chay. Kim was not eating anything, but only staring at Chay eating his food like he haven't been eaten anything from a while.

Kim smiled again. His stare got caught by Chay, he felt so guilty that he's the only one who was eating there. Chay also wanted Kim to eat, he offered his food to him but Kim refused it. And that made Chay a little sad, which Kim noticed. Kim then opened his mouth as a gesture for chay to feed him. Chay gladly fed him, and then continued eating his food, fully satisfied.

Kim did not chew the food because the taste of completely new food was hitting him so bad. He was confused whether he like its taste or not. But in order not to make Chay sad again, he chewed his food and swallowed it. He drank coffee to swallow his food but the taste of coffee was also enough for the end of him.

'How do these humans even eat these things so gladly? And this coffee thing! It's so bitter!' Kim thought while keeping his expressions normal infront of Chay. After a while, Chay finished his food. Kim saw it and took him to his friends. Kim already knew where his friends were, but was acting like he was also trying hard to find them.

"Agh! Where TF they are!! I'm getting tired!!" Chay shouted in frustration.
"Do you want me to carry you?" Kim smirked.
"W-what? I mean there's no need-
"It will be my pleasure. If you let me, can i?"

Chay was taken aback from Kim's statement, but he was tired too. So he just nodded. Kim then went in front of him and told him to jump on his back, so he can carry him. Chay was thinking of being carried in bridal style but his expectations scattered. Chay then went to Kim and jumped on his back, and Kim carried him by holding both of his legs infront of him while Chay was hanging on Kim with his arms around Kim's neck. Kim started to walk.

"Are you okay?" Chay asked.
"Why wouldn't I be okay? Well thanks for concern"
"I just asked if I'm too heavy to be carried"
"No, you're so light like feather, I can't even tell if you're on my back, just chill. And if you want to help me, you can just keep talking to me while we find your friends and take you to them."
"Fine. Actually there's a question I've wanted to ask you.."
"Go ahead"
"You told me that that huge mansion was yours. I'm not saying that you're lying, but why and how are you living in these forests? Are you not scared? And if you're living in here from a long time, have you seen anything weird around?"
" many questions. We'll, No, I'm not scared of living here. And that mansion, that is so old. That was a gift from my ancestors. And, no. I've never actually saw anything weird. Maybe that's why I'm still alive. What do you think?"
"You're right. I'm just talking nonsense rn. But what can I do? I was literally about to get kidnapped last night? My mind is fucked up rn."

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 [𝟏𝟖+]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora