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"Thompson, Amelia" Professor McGonagall said. And my nerves already started pumping adrenalin. Oh boy here we go, I walked up to the stool and she placed that dusty hat on my head. You would think it would get cleaned, but by the looks of it I doubt that.

Lets see, you're smart no doubt but not smart enough. 

Excuse me?

You're kind and helpful but not patient enough. You're resourceful and ambitious but not cunning , wouldn't survive the snake pit. You have courage, loyalty and boldness but I've hardly ever seen a Gryffindor that isn't reckless. 

There's a first time for everything hat.

Better be "GRYFFINDOR!"

The usual roar of applause nearly made me jump. I stood up and walked over to the Gryffindor table. I saw two groups of first years, four boys who ever more interested in the greasy haired bloke who just got sorted into Slytherin and four girls who were too absorbed in their current conservation. I've never been the typical girl, guess I'll sit with the guys. 

I sat next to the shy and timid looking boy who had one too many scars on his face. My guesses he's a either a victim of child abuse or a werewolf. Just a guess. "Hi, I'm Remus, Remus Lupin" he said noticing my presence. That's a nice name "Amelia Thompson" I shook his hand with a smile. He cleared his throat so that the other boys would notice me.

I appreciate the effort Remus but why? Their heads turned. I saw a raven haired, brown eyed boy whose glasses looked like he couldn't without them. A guy with long hair and a sharp jawline. And a mousy looking blonde dude. "Guys this is Amelia Thompson" Remus introduced me. Thank you. "James Potter" the almost blind boy shook my hand. "Sirius Black" the long haired guy said. I shook his hand. A Black in Gryffindor? There's a first time for everything indeed. "Hi, I'm Peter, Peter Pettigrew" the last dude said. I smiled at the 3 of them.

"So Amelia, are you a muggle born? I've never heard of the name Thompson before." James asked me. Oh great, people and conversations. "Half-Blood, dad's a muggle, mum's a witch. The look on his face when she does magic is still a sight" they all laughed. Ha, I'm getting good at this. "You're American?" Sirius asked, questioning my accent. Why do I have to give an interview, can't we start eating already? "Dad's American, Mum's British. We moved to America when I was 1 and let's just say I'm not good enough for Ilvermony." They all laughed again. Oh my god Jo would be so proud.

"Do you have any siblings?" Peter asked after two more blokes got sorted into Slytherin. Poor guy really wants to have a conversation with a walking talking anxiety attack. "Yeah, an older sister. She's muggle though. Her name is Joanne, we call her Jo." "Do you get along with her?" Sirius asked. Yup definitely a victim of child abuse. "Oh yeah, she's the coolest. She loves me to bits and I couldn't have asked for a better sibling" in fact she was the one who taught me how to have a conversation without having a panic attack. I actually wouldn't survive without her. 

Dumbledore stood up said something I was too hungry to listen to and food appeared on my plate. The remainder of the night I ate by myself. As I always did, I would always make good conversation but never good enough to fit in the friend groups. I was used to it by now. I am looking forward to living in the library. Mum says its huge.

The prefects led us to our dorms after dinner. I went up first, just to avoid conversation and claimed the bed near the window. Four other girls walked in by the time I was already in my pj's. They introduced themselves and went back to their conversation. I read for about 30 minutes before calling it a night. Everyone was already asleep in 15 minutes but I could not. This was going to a long 7 years.       

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