a furry little problem

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Oh boy I cannot with this headache. I just couldn't fall asleep, James did get my book 'The Great Gatsby' so I thought I might as well read it. I lit my wand and opened my book under my sheets. I was reading peacefully without a care in the world until Thud!

I sat up to see Madam Pomfrey trying to help up a weak Remus. I glanced out the window, it was a full moon and she was leading Remus out of the hospital wing. Ohhhhh boy.

I jumped out of bed to help them. "Oh! Amelia dear I was just uh leading Mr. Lupin to uh the uhm-" she began stuttering. "Madam Pomfrey not the time. I know just tell me where we have to get him." "No dear it's not what you think-" she tried to reason. "Poppy! The moon is almost out now please tell me where we have to get him."

"The Whomping Willow" she said and I helped her get Remus there. As soon we stepped out of the school building the boys  rushed towards us. Horrorstruck to see me helping Remus. "Not the time boys. I know now c'mon we have to get him inside the Willow."

They didn't question me. As we helped a limping Remus inside the Willow. Once he was in we all sat down exhausted. After a while the questionnaire began. 

"Mia how did you figure it out?"

"You're not going to tell anyone are you?"

"Do you still want to be friends?"

"Did someone tell you?"

"Have you told anyone about him?"

"Boys! Calm down. My first thought when I saw Remus at the start of them term feat feast five years ago was 'judging by his scars he's either a victim of child abuse or a werewolf'. And please for five years I've seen him in the hospital wing every full moon. That boggarts lesson, his boggart was the full moon. And the past two months, that week of the month he's always looking sick. You'd think the guy got periods too. I'm not an idiot to go talking to people about how Remus Lupin is a werewolf. Yes I still want to be friends the four of you are still one of the best things that has happened to me. Remus is still the guy he is, soft, kind, always trying to get us out of trouble and failing, always trying to break my fall its just that he has a how do I put it yes! He just has a furry little problem!" I said and the boys smiled.

"Wow Mia you really are damn observant person" Peter said with the tone of surprise.

"That's why Moony huh?" I asked

"Of course. Also we might as well add. The three of us are Animagus. Padfoot's a dog, I'm a stag and Wormtail's a mouse" James said.

"Nice, surprised you three didn't die though." I said, they laughed.

"So where does the willow lead to?" I asked. "The Shrieking Shack" they answered in sync. We sat there chatting the whole night. They told me about the map and wow those boys are smart. We spent majority of the night talking about our likes and dislikes, our families, how Sirius had run away from his abusive family and whatever the heck came to our mind. I felt at peace after so long. I had friends, finally. I cannot emphasize enough how happy I was.


The next morning I woke up in the common room to see James, Sirius and Peter sleeping like logs on the couches. When the four of them came back from Remus' transformation last night we helped him to the infirmary and dragged each other back to the common room. Thank Merlin it was Saturday.

I checked my watch 8:30 a.m. Some habits never die. Back home we are all supposed to be up before 9 no matter what. "Guys wake up" I sat up. They didn't move. Gosh they were going to miss breakfast.

I decided on letting them sleep and grabbing them some toast for later when we visit Remus. I went up to my dorm to find that the girls had already gone for breakfast. I took a shower and put on my 'do not disturb when reading unless you have a death wish' hoodie and some jeans and went to the Great Hall for breakfast.

his wolf | oc x remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now