a banged up beater

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Six years later...

And here we are again. I had successfully made it through the sorting and feast without any conversations. And was back in my dorm with a book in my hand and my cat Taylor at the foot of my bed. I had already written to Jo just like every year. My strawberry blonde hair in a messy bun and my round, reading glasses on my face. It was a typical first night back.

Did I mention the fact that I was an animagi? That's what happens when you have no friends and live in the library. Look I was bored and its not like I had someone to talk me out of it so now I'm an illegal animagi. I can turn into this beautiful white wolf and it honestly makes being alone a lot more fun. Sometimes at night when I can't sleep I sneak into the forest as a wolf and have a ball. Animals are so much better than humans.

I was debating going to kitchen for a midnight snack at around midnight and of course I did it because again I didn't have anyone to talk me out of it. I got a pint of choco chip ice cream and sat in the common room with Taylor. This year was going to be just like the last five, I hoped. Although I wished I would sort of make a human friend. I remembered what Jo had said to me before getting onto the train. 

Mia you will never know if don't even try. Take part in things. Try out for quidditch, you're a great beater. If you don't want to talk to people that's fine but take part in things you love. These years are never coming back and don't you want to be remembered as someone more as the girl in the corner with a book? You're a great person Mia and you will find your pack. Pun intended there. Have a good year and branch out. 

'Branch out' her words rang in my head. My eyes shifted towards the notice board where the quidditch sign up form was. 'Branch out' oh what the heck let's do this. I got up and gave my name for beater. One of the beaters had just graduated. And so many people had signed up. Merlin help me.


Oh my god I cannot believe I'm actually doing this. I was pretty sure the sugar was getting to my head the night I signed up but why the heck was I standing on the quidditch pitch right now, clutching my Nimbus and my beater bat. Oh merlin this was a bad idea. "Thompson?" Someone called my name, it was Potter he walked over to me and I was a freaking bundle of nerves. "Are you okay?" He asked genuinely concerned. I took deep breathes, calm down Mia. You can do this, do it for Jo. I calmed down, the anxiety potion mum made finally started kicking in. "Yeah, just a bit nervous. I'm trying out for beater." I replied. "You're a beater?" he asked. Oh the tone of surprise. I nodded. "No way OI PADFOOT!" Black strutted over, yeah pretty sure he strutted. 

"Thompson is also trying out for beater" James said like a kid on Christmas. Sirius' eyes widened. "Really? You any good?" he asked. 

"Don't know we'll see I guess. I've only ever played with mum but she is one of the greats. You might've heard her name Sam Jones? Hogwarts quidditch legend. Who took to healing after school." "YOUR MUM IS SAM JONES!? MERLINS BALLSACK THOMPSON-" James began, he was about to cause a scene but the captain Claire Johnson, a smart 7th year who was the best keeper I had ever seen along with Emma Brown (5th year), Nate Smith(7th year) and Marlene McKinnon, my roommate, all incredible chaser walked onto the pitch.

"Welcome lions to Gryffindor try-out. We'll start by tallying all of your names, conduct regular warmups then I will divide us into two teams. We'll have a practice match, and then after discussion the final selections will be put up on the notice board by noon. Any questions?" Claire instructed. There was a hum of agreement and everyone divided themselves.

She tallied our names and soon enough we were all flying laps, passing the quaffle between ourselves among other warm up exercises. Remus and Peter had come to watch Sirius and James while Dorcas Medowes, Alice Fortescue  and Lily Evans aka my roommates had come to watch Marlene. 

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