1. Psycho

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Black Widow Chapter One: Psycho

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Black Widow Chapter One: Psycho

It was no secret in the San Fernando Valley that the Ford family was a bit of a mess. With the parents MIA, the eldest brother off at college, and the 15-year-old sister currently at the head of the house, they were struggling.

The last time Sloane Ford saw her parents was in front of a judge for her legal emancipation. As of now, her brother was the legal guardian for her younger siblings and she was free to do whatever she pleased. That mostly meant taking care of her siblings and balancing school and two jobs.

Sloane loved her siblings and she'd do anything for them, but the stress of parenting, working, and trying to keep her grades up was weighing on her. And her emotional stability was hung by a thread until she finally snapped.

During a class presentation on Ancient Egypt, a kid in her class made an obnoxious comment and she snapped. She beat him with her history textbook. He transferred to another school, she got a suspension and had to talk her way out of getting kicked out of school indefinitely. She got to stay, but not without social repercussions. Her little meltdown earned her the nickname 'Psycho' amongst her peers.

It sucked, but this wasn't her first day as a social reject. That meant she at least had a couple of friends that she couldn't scare off.

"You're seriously telling me there is a Batman musical?" Demetri questioned as they passed through the halls of West Valley High. His backpack was slung over one shoulder. Demetri was at one end of the typical nerd fashion spectrum. Open button-ups and comic shirts made up most of his outfits.

Demetri could come off a little strong. He had a bit mouth and talked himself into trouble more than out of it. He feared many things, but stating his opinion wasn't one of them. He even marched down to the principal's office to tell him every reason why he shouldn't expel Sloane.

"Yes! It's called 'Holy Musical B@man!' and it's amazing," Sloane explained with a shrug.

"How can it be good? You can't turn something like Batman into some singing spectacle," Demetri argued.

"Starkid can. Just watch it with me sometime, you'll see," Sloane insisted.

"Well, how about tonight?" Eli asked. Sloane's other friend was on the opposite side of the nerd fashion spectrum with dark sweaters, polos, and striped shirts.

Eli was more soft-spoken than Demetri. Shy and timid, but he was really sweet. While Demetri tried to lighten the mood, he and Sloane were each other's shoulder to cry on through everything.

Sloane bit her lip. "Uh...Yeah, if you don't mind Ciara and Duncan," she responded. She knew she'd never get someone to watch her younger siblings out of the house at a notice this late, so she would have to try her best to keep them in their rooms.

"Oh, please. They love me," Demetri insisted.

Sloane chuckled. "Do they?" she teased, remembering the time Ciara chased him through the kitchen and living room with a sword made out of a pool noodle and cardboard. "How about 8? I'll try to get Ciara to go to sleep early."

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