10. Victory

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Black Widow Chapter Ten: Victory

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Black Widow Chapter Ten: Victory

"There can be only one true winner and he is standing on this stage right now," Daryl said. "Will it be Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai Karate? Will it be Hawk...Well, I guess it's just 'Hawk' from Cobra Kai Karate?"

"Moskowitz. It's Eli Moskowitz," Demetri pointed out bitterly, making Sloane chuckle.

"Have another pretzel bite," she told the boy and nearly shoved the plate in his face.

Daryl continued. "Will it be Robby Keene, unaffiliated? And last, but certainly not least, last year's champion, fighting out of Topanga Karate, Xander Stone!"

The guy showed off with a couple of flips, making Sloane nearly throw up, before grabbing the microphone. "I just wanted to say, even though I love to fight, we all need to fight against hatred..."

"Oh, cry me a river," Sloane complained, rolling her eyes dramatically as he went on far too long with his speech, ending in a moment of silence.

Putting her out of her misery, Daryl grabbed the microphone back. "All right! First up, Stone versus Diaz! Let's go!"

Everyone left the mat except for Miguel, Xander, and a referee, to start the fight.

"Come on, Miguel!" Sloane yelled as the two boys sparred back and forth, each hitting a point. Miguel was heavy on the offense, as they'd been taught. Eventually, Miguel landed a kick to the face, sending Xander flying to the ground with a nice little spin. "Hell yes, Miguel! Finish that asshole!"

Demetri gave Sloane a weird look. "Who even are you?" he questioned at her overly competitive behavior.

Sloane shrugged it off and stayed focused on the rest of the fight. They were now 2-1 for Miguel. Miguel drove Xander toward the edge of the mat, but the boy came back with a more offensive position, turning them back toward the center of the mat. Xander's tricks didn't prove to be very effective, though, as Miguel landed his third point with a good kick to the chest, earning himself a spot in the finals.

Sloane and Moon stood up and started clapping enthusiastically. "Yes, Miguel!" Sloane yelled. Miguel was taken off the mat and Eli took his place instead against Robby.

Robby came out on the offense right of the bat, taking Eli by surprise. Obviously, Robby had seen their techniques during the day and was trying to flip the roles on them. But Eli used it to his advantage to catch Robby, throw him to the ground, and score a point by hitting his chest.

Starting the second round, Robby did some weird breathing exercises before letting Eli lead the attack this time. Now that she was watching him more closely on defense, Sloane began to notice some familiar techniques. The way he blocked were the exact same moves she had seen from her brother back when he worked for Daniel. And they proved effective, as Robby landed a kick to the face on Eli, making the score equal again.

Sloane looked at Daniel and his family sitting a couple of rows ahead of her, Moon, and Demetri. Clearly, EJ had not been his last student. She wondered what her brother would think, seeing her like this, screaming over a karate tournament. Would he be proud of how far she's come or would he side with Daniel that Cobra Kai wasn't good for her?

Sloane was so caught up in her head that she noticed too late when Eli landed a kick to the shoulder before the next round had even begun, effectively disqualifying himself and injuring Robby. What was even more surprising was that Sensei ran to Robby to check on him before he was pulled away by the referee.

When Eli got back to his side of the mat, Miguel pulled him down and scolded him. Even after he'd fought aggressively himself, he still wasn't having this. Maybe it was because he was upset that Eli disqualified himself when he could've won or maybe he was actually upset over the foul play. Sloane couldn't tell from where she sat.

She shifted in her seat, contemplating going down there and talking to them, but Demetri took her wrist when she tried to stand up. She looked at him and he just shook his head, basically telling her to sit her ass back down.

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