Prompt #23: Midnight Cookies

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Both are adults living together as a couple, but they're not married yet.

(It's the middle of the night, and Connor is shaking Amaya awake.)

Connor: *whining* Amaya...

Amaya: *opens her eyes slightly* Fluttering feathers, Connor, please just go back to sleep... *closes her eyes again*

Connor: Wake up... please...

Amaya: Fine... *groans and sits up in bed* What's the matter? *rubs her eyes*

Connor: My stomach's grumbling. I wanna eat cookies.

Amaya: But we don't have any cookies right now, and it's kind of late. We can buy you some Oreos in the morning.

Connor: But I'm hungry! Can you make just one batch of chocolate-chip cookies? *makes a cute pleading face*

Amaya: *sighs and gives him a soft smile* Okay, let's go to the kitchen.

(The two of them get out bed and head towards the kitchen together.)

Includes: food, fluff

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