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                        " How we met " 

My name is Jane i was born in America but moved to London in order to get a job at my dream theater " Royal Shakespeare Company " I was scared to go and give an interview there because I'm not that good in talking and i have heard great things about this company and on top of that the real reason why I wanted to join here is that my favourite actor Alan rickman works here and i so excited to meet him.

In the morning i woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and I was late for the interview i rushed to the bathroom and took a fresh hot shower, brushed my teeth and hurried down and grabbed my phone, purse, and called my friend to give me a lift  and house keys and rushed outside and locked to door and my friend drove me to the theatre to the theatre as fast as she could i did not have time for breakfast because I was late. My dropped me near the entrance and rushed inside the building I stood at the front desk and said to the lady sitting there that I came to give an interview she told me to go to the 5th floor where I could meet Larry who was the manager of the theatre.

I entered the elevator and pressed the button to the 5th floor and as the door was closing I heard a voice say " Hold the door " i pressed the button and the door opened and there he stood my favourite actor Alan rickman I was literally screaming inside he was wearing a blue sweatshirt and black pants with white Converse shoes he looked at me and entered the elevator and the door closed he pressed the button to the 4th floor. I was nervous to talk with him so I just stood there staring at the elevator door. He broke off the silence by asking me. " Are you new here" ? I said " yes I'm new here i just came today to give an interview" He replied " all the very best do well" i thanked him he took his hand out of his pocket and reached out for a handshake i shocked at his hands and looked at him. He looked so handsome and cute his eyes were so attractive I said " My name is Jane " he was about to say his name but I said I know who you are and you are my favourite actor he smiled and said " How exciting to meet a fan in the morning " I smiled back at him.

We reached the 4th floor and he got out and turned back and winked at me I could feel the butterfly in my stomach and the door closed luckily he did not see how much I was blushing i reach the 5th floor and went straight to Larry's office i knocked he said come in. I entered and he was sitting there with my paper and documents which i send them the day before I came for the interview I said to him " Hello sir, my name is Jane and I came here to give an interview " he looked up and told me to sir down I sat down and he said " Your papers and everything looks good I want to see how do you perform" he got up and walked towards the door and said " Follow me " i walked behind him and closed the door.

He opened a door and we got in to my surprise everyone working here were there and we walked towards the stage everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. I got nervous but I did not show how nervous I was he said " Everyone this is Jane and she is new here now we shall see if she is capable to work here " he looked at me and pointed at the stage I got to the stage and everyone sat down I could see Alan sitting with his friends and he smiled and waved at me. I took a deep breath and said " Good morning to everyone as you know my name is Jane and I came here for an interview but now I have to show my actings skills which is fine " I asked Larry if anyone would like to help me perform because I will be needing a partner. I said to everyone the act which I'm going to perform is "Romeo and Juliet" everyone looked at Alan which was weird because I did not know why they were staring at him he got up from his seat and joined me on stage he looked at me and said " Ready " i nodded and we began acting i could see my dream being fulfilled because I was actually acting with Alan rickman damn inside I was melting when we were acting together i knew each like of this act because I have been practicing this act for many years now so the lines are stucked in my mind.

After a few minutes we were done acting everyone was shocked to see how i remembered all the lines in the script especially Larry was happy to see the act and said " Jane you got the job " I was so happy i could not believe i got my dream job i was so happy I hugged Alan and said " Thank you very much sir " he looked at me and said " Don't call me sir call me Alan " sure i replied with a warm smile and he smiled back at me i couldn't help but blush he said " Let me give a tour of this place "before leaving Larry said " Before you leave Jane don't forget to meet me " i nodded and i followed Alan and he gave me and amazing tour he knew every corner of this place when he was doing giving me a tour I was about to leave he holded my hand and said in a low voice " I want to show you something " he took at the end of the hallway and there was like a stairs which leads upstairs I climbed i followed him and when we reached to top it was very beautiful i could see so many buliding and the sky was absolutely beautiful I was in love with this place " it s beautiful right i always come here if I need to rest just keep this between us because no one knows about this place " I nodded and we went downstairs i gave him a hug and said " Thank you very much for this wonderful, amazing tour I loved it now i must go bye and thanks again " he gave me a warm smile and waved me goodbye I went to Larry's office and he told me that I could start from tomorrow I said sure and thanked him and left the theatre and my friend came to pick me up and drove me back home because I was absolutely tried.

Please do comment on how you like this chapter.
I'm new and not that good in writing stories, but I tried my best to write. I hope you enjoy

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