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I woke up feeling completely disoriented. My head was agonizingly pounding. I rubbed my temples to attempt to soothe the headache but to no avail.

I turned to my right to see her still sleeping, her lips slightly parted. She was still naked. The sheets had fallen to the floor.

Ugh, I won't be drinking like this any time soon.

At least I wasn't feeling queasy.

Where am I anyway?

I turned to my right to see a woman sleeping next to me, her lips slightly parted. I realized I slept with a random girl.


She was still naked. The sheets had fallen to the floor, probably from the way we've been tossing and turning in our sleep.

What's her name?

Flashbacks of the night came to my mind.

Ah, Amber.

I got up quietly and grabbed my boxers that was lying next to the bed and put them on. I made sure I was as quiet as a mouse, I didn't want to wake Amber up; she looked so peaceful. I looked around for the bathroom, eventually finding it to the left of the kitchen. I used the bathroom, washed my hands and then splashed my face with cold water.

So refreshing.

I still can't believe what happened last night.

Was this just a dream?

I've never been like this with a girl before. Not even with Madison and not with girls I've had before her. I probably had one too many whiskies, or was it the shots? Or was it something completely different, something that made me feel myself around her. Don't get me wrong, I was comfortable around Madison but just certain things I couldn't talk about to her. I sighed, walking out the bathroom.

"Whoa." I said, bumping into Amber. She was awake finally. She had an over-sized t-shirt on.

"Hey, I thought you had left already." She said to me leaning against the wall.

"Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not that kind of guy." I said truthfully. She looked a little off though, a little pale in the face.

"Are you alright, Amber?" I asked putting a hand on her shoulder, "You look bit pale." Her eyes wide, she covered her mouth.

Oh, no.

She shook her head, ran past me into the bathroom, kneeled in front of the toilet and threw up. I went in there and held her hair to the back that was falling in her face.

"Let it all out." I said rubbing her back with my other hand as she threw up. This was my entire fault. I overdid it with the alcohol. We were just having such a good time I didn't realize how much we were actually drinking. It wasn't my intention to get her drunk and take advantage of her, though it seemed that way now. I wasn't raised to take advantage of woman. I was discontented with myself.

After she dry heaved a few times she sat up and leaned her back against the bath.

"I'm never drinking again." She said wiping her mouth with some toilet tissue I handed her. I helped her up.

"I'm so sorry, Amber. I didn't mean to get you sick. This is so irresponsible of me for letting you drink like that." I apologized sincerely. I was pissed off with myself.

"Blake, it's not your fault. I could have declined the drinks but I didn't."

She grabbed some Listerine from her medicine cabinet. Pouring it into the cap and then tossing it in her mouth, slushing it about and gargling it before spitting it out.

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