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It was Sunday, 08:24 am. I was going to see Amber for the second time. I was nervous but yet I can't remember when last I woke up with a broad smile on my face. It felt as if there was a great weight lifted from my shoulders. I was now able to move on with my life.

I got up making me a steamy cup of coffee. I was too exhilarated to be sleeping in late. I wasn't really feeling hungry so I skipped breakfast and in anyways I'll be having brunch with Amber so I don't want to spoil that. After enjoying my coffee while watching some TV, I made up my bed and cleaned the kitchen.

Yeah, not all guys are slobs like humanity likes to depict us.

I went to the bathroom next and turned on the shower. I took off my clothes leaving it in a pile on the floor. I got into the shower allowing the lukewarm water to run over me, feeling like raindrops falling from the sky.

Ah, nothing better than a cool shower in summer.

Fifteen minutes after washing myself I got out, wrapping a towel around my waist. I proceeded to brush my teeth. After that, I shaved the stubble on my face and rubbed some aftershave on. I put the dirty laundry in the laundry basket. Next, I went to the closet and looked for something to wear. I decided to wear a black short sleeve shirt with green tropical leaves printed on it, buttoning it up and leaving just the two top buttons untied, a black ripped skinny jeans with a pair of Vans. I left my hair wet. I think I looked good.
I grabbed my vape from the nightstand, taking a drag and then exhaling, leaving a cloud of smoke lingering in the room with the scent of berries. This was a habit I picked up when Madison quit smoking cigarettes and switched to vaping, which is ironic because she vaped to stop smoking the "harmful cigarettes" which lead me to start smoking the vape.
I shoved the vape in my pocket when I was done. I checked the time on my phone it was 10:30am. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time, pleased with the reflection. I sprayed some more cologne on my neck and chest so I could smell as good as I looked. I grabbed my phone and put in my pocket. Walking to the kitchen I took the bottle of Cabernet. I walked to the front door, fishing the car and apartment keys in the bowl on the accent table. I locked the front door behind me and took the elevator down to the first floor. I walked to the parking area outside and I unlocked my car with the click of a button and got in.
Bringing a bottle of wine felt too little to tag along. I decided to stop at the market nearby to purchase some chocolate and a bunch of flowers. I think that would suffice.

Or was this too cheesy?

It's not like it was a date.

From there on I made my way to Amber's place. Surprisingly, I still remembered where her place was since we were drunk out of our mind. I stopped at the red traffic light, taking the chance to message Amber that I'm on my way. She replied instantly saying that she would meet me downstairs.
Ten minutes later, I arrived in front of her apartment building. I parked just outside in the empty parking space. I felt my nerves creeping up. I could see her waiting at the entrance of the building, looking out for me.

Man, did she look beautiful.

She looked different compared to Friday night. She was blooming radiance, every inch of her. Her long brunette hair flowed along the side of her waist. She had a long floral skirt on with a white crop top and a pair of white Converse sneakers. I climbed out of the car grabbing the bottle of wine; which I put the box of chocolates in as well, and grabbed the bunch of flowers in my free hand that was on the front passenger seat. After locking up I walked towards her. Her face instantly flourished with a smile when she saw me.

I think that was a good sign.

"Hi, Blake." She said chirpily.

"Hi, Amber. How's it going?" I moved in for a hug and she pulled me in for a warm embrace.

"I'm good. Glad you could come." She pulled away and locked eyes with me. I smiled at her comment.

"Here. I was saving this one for a special occasion, but I think today would be a fairly good occasion." I said, handing her the bag containing the bottle of wine. She peaked into the bag.

"Cabernet Sauvignon. Hmm, a man with taste." She raised her brows, surprised, "Oh, and what's this?" She reached her hand in the bag taking out the box of chocolate.

"It's just some chocolate I got for you. Oh, these are also for you." I handed her the bunch of flowers.

"Oh wow, Blake. I wasn't expecting all this. Thank you." She held up the flowers to her nose taking in the scent.
"I can't remember when last I got flowers." She said smiling, looking delighted with the flowers.

"Come on, let's go inside." She said,  making her way to the building. I followed close next to her.

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