chapter 2 - train

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You gasped awake, trembling in fear and your face wet with tears. It was a dream. It was only a dream you thought to yourself as you breathed short, fast breaths. It felt so real as if you relived the days you spent living with him. Your fluffy ginger cat, Tibbie, was still sleeping peacefully on the corner of your bed. When you ran away from home, Tibbie was a sweet little kitten, but now he's 8 years old and no longer a little kitten but now a handsome loving baby.

You reached for your bedside table, pulling open one of the draws and hunted for your black box that held a silver blade. Your favourite little blade.

(3rd person pov- tw self harm)

Y/n walked to the bathroom as her eyes flared up. She looked in the mirror at her neck at her scar. She remembered the pain and suffering and how she was free. The scar that was slashed across her neck told a story, the story of how she survived. How she survived the endless abuse and the endless tears.

Y/n held the blade as it dug through the ties of her fingers and thought about all the times she had with it. How it took her worries and turned them into nothing.Y/n rolled up her sleeve to shoe each cut that were all drawn perfectly close together in neat rows. She held up till her arm and sliced through her tears, her blood flowing out and carried all her worry with it. The splashing of red onto the clean white sink, with every drop of blood spilt, every problem seemed to disappear. A small sigh that was followed by a smile was released as her blood rolled down the drain.

After cleaning up, she saw the time, 9:30AM, she would be late to hogwarts if she didn't hurry and leave. She picked out a white knitted turtleneck jumper that had long sleeves, a beige patterned skirt, a pair of white tights and boots, and a shirt to go under the jumper
Y/n grabbed her trunk that was already packed she grabbed her keys and unlocked the door to her apartment. She made sure Tibbie was in his cage with everything he needed on the trip to hogwarts. She gave it one final look and one final goodbye, knowing she wouldn't be back in a few months.

-platfrom 9 and ¾-

Platform 9 and ¾ were full of parents and children who were saying their goodbyes or boarding the train to hogwarts. Exitement filled her up as she searched the professors area of the train looking for an empty cabin to stay in. They were all full, so she knocked on the window of one. There was a man who had his face stuffed into the daily prophet. He looked like he needed some company. He did not look up as she sat opposite him. He wore long black robes and full black clothing.

(Y/n pov)

"Uh, good morning," I said to him as I sat down facing him, "My name is y/n l/n," I said, trying to ease the tension. "I didn't ask," He snapped and slapped the paper onto his lap so he could see your face. He had cold black eyes and long silky black locks that fell just past his chin, his face was long and pale, and his nose was just as crooked as his temper. His voice was deep and emotionless but soothing and calm. He was rude but handsome, you thought to yourself. He raised an eyebrow at you and continued to read his paper.

After 30 minutes of silence, I heard a scratching sound and then followed by a long meow. Tibbie. You got up and took Tibbie out of his cage that had an extension charm on it, so it looked like a small little cage, but inside was spacious and comfortable. He poked his fluffy little face through the opening, inspecting his surroundings, and then he set eyes on snapes black cloak. Without hesitation, Tibbie jamp from his cage onto his cloak, biting and scratching it.

Snape looked over his shoulder and saw a little ginger furball tugging on his cape with his claws. I saw a little smile appear on his face but then he looked up at me and said, "Control your animal," I rolled my eyes and picked Tibbie up and sat back down as I rubbed his chin. The cabin was filled with his purring soun, and I fell asleep with Tibbie laying on my chest stretching his paws out over my stomach .

"Wake up," Snape said. He picked up Tibbie and put him to the side as he pointed his wand at you. "Auguamenti," clean water sprayed out from his wand onto you, making you wake up and soaking wet, "What was that for!?" You shouted at him as you stood up. "I told you to wake up. We are at hogwarts now." He said. You casted a quick charm to dry yourself off but your hair was ruined. You made sure Tibbie was in his cage and you walked out onto the platform and admired the castle.

 lustful love (Y/N X SNAPE)Where stories live. Discover now