chapter 5 - scars

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Sunlight was shining on my eyes when I woke up, I rolled over in my bed only to realise it wasn't my bed. I instantly sat up, which made my head hurt, but I saw someone sitting in an armchair reading newspaper. I squinted my eyes to see Snape. He folded his newspaper and smacked it on the table in front of him, which made me jump.

"Finnaly, you're awake." He said while looking at you with a raised eye brow. He looked tired as if he was up all night.

"Why is he so gorgeous?" I thought to myself.

"I'll go make you some tea." Snape said as a small smirk appeared on his face. He got up and left the room, leaving me alone.

I looked at my arm too and saw it bandaged up. The bandages were clean, except for a bit of blood that leaked through them. My hoodie was missing, but I didn't care. I wanted to know where I was and what time it was. I looked around the room that had a window on the right hand side and an armchair and a table in front of it in the center was a queen size bed that had black sheets and green pillows, to the left of the room was large woderobe and a door. 

About ten minutes had passed, and I got up out of bed holding onto anything I could find to keep my balance as I was still a bit dizzy. I walked towards the door, and as soon as I opened it, the strong smell of black herbal tea and eggs hit me. 

"Where am I?" I asked

"You're in my chambers." Snape responded not looking up from the eggs he was scrambling.

"Your chambers? Why am I in your chambers?" I said to him

"You passed out last night in the bathrooms."

The walls of his chambers were covered in old dusty bookshelves, the kitchen was open connecting to the sitting area. The kitchen had black cabinets and white counter tops, the sitting area had a large black leather couch and two matching arm chairs opposite with a white coffee table in the middle. In the side of the room was a small circular dining table with 2 chairs on either side.

"Miss L/n sit down at the table," Snape said as he put the eggs on the plate alongside two slices of toast.


You sat down at the table and he put the plate of food in front of you along side a knife and fork, shortly after he placed down a cup of tea, milk and sugar. He sat down with his own plate of food. After a few minuets of silence, you managed to blurt out, "What time is it?"


You nodded. you didn't have any lessons until the afternoon.

After eating you got up and thanked him and left. Why was he so nice to me? Will he tell Dumbledore? Why didn't he take me to medical? Questions swarmed your head as you made your way back to your chambers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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