chapter 4 - snape

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Y/n walked around the castle amazed by how many details there were. As she walked, she remembered about what had happened in the great hall. "Why didn't I do anything about it, I just sat there and let it happen." Y/n thought to herself as memories from her past flooded back to her, tears burned at the back of her eyes. She rolled up her sleeve and saw the fresh and the faded scars that were on her arm. She felt the urge again to hurt herself because of what Rowan did to her. Putting her hand inside her pocket, she looked to find her blade. She found it.

She gave up looking for the professors bathroom and just went to the one closest to her, the prefects bathroom (just imagine moaning myrthals). Her footsteps echoed around the bathrooms, and she made her way towards the sinks and looked at the mirror above them. Her lonely sad reflection stared back at her as tears streamed down her face.

I'm so stupid. It's my fault. Why did I just sit there, I'm worthless, and I deserve all the pain I feel.

Y/n reached in her pocket and pulled out the little box that held her blade. She put her wand down as she opened the box. She began to giggle through her tears as she put the blade up against her bare skin. One cut. Two cuts. Three cuts. Four cuts. Each one is deeper and bigger than the other. Her giggles soon turned into quiet sobs as she watched her blood drip down her hand into the sink. After ten minutes of looking at the work, she looked up at the mirror again. Disgusted by the reflection, she picked up her wand and pointed it towards the mirror, "Reducto," she muttered through her sobs. The mirror cracked and crumbled to shards, smashing against the floor tiles. The sound of glass shattering echoed throughout the hallways. She walked over to the sink again to wash her arm up until she heard someone's voice.

"Whose in there," a voice as smooth as Velvet called out.

Without thinking, Y/n dashed into the nearest toilet stall and closed the door, praying they wouldn't find her. She realised she had left her blade and her next to the sink, and her arm was still dripping blood everywhere. Panic took over her as she heard someone walk into the bathroom, and their footsteps came closer and closer to her. As she tried to calm herself down, she began to feel lightheaded from the blood loss.

The room was silent until she heard a knock on the door of the toilet stall, "I suggested you open the door before I do." his voice called out.

"Who are you?" She said as she rolled tissue over her arm to try to stop the bleeding.

"I asked you first."

Y/n rolled her eyes as she pulled down her sleeve and locked the door. As she stepped out, a man was pointing his wand, which was casting lumos at her.

"Snape, i would appreciate it if you could lower your." She said

"What are you doing out at this time of night." He responded, ignoring what she just asked him to do. He was inspecting her and noticed her bloodstained sleeve.

"I said, can you lower your wand? "" She said as she leaned back onto the toilet door for balance. Her eyes quickly looked behind him at her blade that was still on the sink and then back at Snape.

Snape looked behind him to see what she was looking at and saw the blade that was covered in blood. He also noticed the shards of the mirror on the floor. He looked back and lowered his wand down to her arm and asked, "May I take a look?"


"May I take a look?" He asked me. I was confused at what he meant until I looked down at my sleeve and saw that blood had leaked through. I looked back up at his dark eyes that were full of worry. My head was pounding, and I was unable to say anything.

"We don't want it to get infected." Snape said to me with a deep but gentle voice.

I wanted to say something, but all I could do was nod my head. Just as I began to lift my arm up, I fell to the floor with a thud, and my vision went blurry.

Before I black out I heard him say my name in panic as he kneeled down next to me.

A/N- Hi guys, hope your enjoying the story! I just wanted to say I would appreciate it if you left some comments telling me how I can make my story better as this is the first one I've wrote <3 Thank you for your time! :)

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