Chapter 2

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I scrambled and found a medkit near the flag. Brody wrapped him up with bandages and poured a green soothing liquid over his wounds. Within a minute, he was up on his feet and ready for revenge.

Another man, cloaked in all white and a frightening mask, leaped into the open and started blasting bullets at us. Jake took his AR and aimed it at the man, while I attempted to land a headshot with my trusty shotgun. Brody swooped in with his DMR and took care of him, letting Jake catch a few more moments of rest. 

 I could spy the approaching storm overhead, so I notified Brody about the problem. He suggested going between the Citadel and Frenzy Fields, many loot and weak trios would be there. The desolate, bleak atmosphere of Brutal Bastion progressed into a verdant, calming plain with few trees.

 As we climbed up a hill, we could see an ongoing trio vs trio battle. A woman was crouched down, using a DMR to try to kill the others. Brody lead the charge and chased her until she was downed, and then killed by three shotgun bullets from each of us. However, she wasn't the last of her trio. Overlooking a hillside, we saw 2 men shooting at another. We were quick with our siege, because Brody and Jake individually shot all three of them with well timed AR headshots. 

I slid down the grassy knoll to swap loot, making sure I had a standard lineup of AR, Shotgun, and SMG. We regrouped, and Brody hatched a plan. We would head to Mega City, find the vault keycard, and steal extremely strong weapons from the vault. We agreed, and stayed close by each other on our journey to Mega City.

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