Chapter 5

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Gunshots faintly sounded in the distance. I heard a final shotgun blast, and then silence.

 "Another man out." I thought in my head.

The storm had enclosed the last remaining players within Kenjutsu Crossing, a calm forest of white-petaled trees. As I waited for morning to come, I slept under a tree, dreaming of what happened to Brody and Jake. I woke up at the crack of dawn, but there was no birdsong. Suddenly, two young men dashed at me with glowing blades. Could this be the end? I flailed around until I grabbed my SMG and wildly blasted it around, but I heard no opposing gunfire. As I opened my eyes, I could see my comrades, Brody and Jake, who I thought had perished in the storm. 

Jake lowered my gun, and said "We're back, and we're not giving up just yet.".

 I felt a sense of hope in my heart, there were probably about 4 trios left. We took turns guarding on our little outlook on a hill where we could snipe other players easily. When it was my turn, I could spy a man crouching and inserting a reboot card into a reboot van. I raised my DMR and aimed, getting swift shots, and finally eliminated him. 

"So desperate," Brody muttered. 

We chuckled and rested for a bit before waking up to the sound of AR bullets and footsteps. We grabbed our guns and saw 2 women sliding down a distant hill. I aimed my DMR at one of them and knocked her down, unable to fight. The other woman was approaching quickly. I slid down the outlook, aiming my shotgun. I didn't care if I died. I was going to free Brody and Jake from this hell. I pulled the trigger, and then everything stopped. Did I die? I thought. Suddenly, a golden aura shaped like a crown appeared on my head. I looked at Brody and Jake and they had crowns as well. 

"WE DID IT!" I yelled. "WE WON! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I screamed as I ran to my friends.

 A helicopter came to pick us up, and I solemnly looked at the ravaged land, and the bodies of the last two. We won, but not without loss, I thought.

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