J Mystery (Part II)

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John POV

"You've got to be kidding!" I said.

"I am not," Sam repeated patiently. "His first name is Julian."

"I know that!" I snapped at him.

It was lunch hour and Sam and I were sitting on of the benches of the school ground. We had not been able to talk freely during class and Sam wanted to concentrate in class and take proper notes. As soon as the lunch bell had rung I dragged him with me to this place so that I hear everything he had to say.

"Does Sarah know?" I asked Sam quietly.

"I didn't get the chance to tell her because we were running late for class and-" his voice trailed away.

"And what?" I asked urgently.

"I thought you should know first," he said.

He looked at me with searching eyes as of trying to unearth some great mystery. Suddenly I noticed every tiny detail around me. The wind was cold, Sam had had a haircut, my heartbeat was faster than usual.

"Well-" I said thickly.

"John, I know you would have wanted to know first," Sam said knowingly.

"What do you mean?" I asked quickly.

"It's Sarah after all," Sam said.

"That doesn't mean-"

"I know you have a soft spot for her!" Sam said.

"Are you suggesting that I like her?" I said trying to sound indifferent.


"You're wrong, in case you haven't noticed, she and I are not even talking to each other properly!" I said feeling my cheeks grow warmer. "Also, she's stupid about the entire studying thing! Did you see the way she cried after the test results had come out? She said I don't understand anything because I have got everything in life!"


But, I was on the go.

"And, did you see the way she always always gets mad at me? She drives me up the wall! She's crazy!"

"Yet you care for her!"

Pretending I did not hear him I continued,"And does Blake think that by writing notes she will magically understand that it is him? Is he retarded? "

"Does Blake think Sarah will fall for him just because be writes notes to her? Well, that is stupid! I care for her!"

I had not realised that while venting to Sam I had stood up and was walking in circles around the bench. Sam was looking amused and said,"You've just said it. "

I sat on the bench and huffed,"Oh fuck, I care about her."

Suddenly Sarah and my argument didn't matter anymore, all I wanted to do was run to her and apologise for my arse like behavior and make everything okay. I wanted her to be my tutor again, I wanted to be the one who wrote her notes showing that I cared about her and I wanted her to know that I cared about her.

"Are you going to tell her that it was Blake?" I asked Sam.

"I reckon I should. She has the right to know and the suspense must be killing her!" Sam reasoned.

"I don't think-" I started to protest.

"John, Sarah has been through enough during the last few weeks. She deserves to know it," Sam explained.

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