Chapter One

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Hey hey, yalls! I know that I haven't done a ton of Wof fanfics, in fact this is my first one on Wattpad! But it is based off of another Fanfic, I highly suggest you check it out!! I might add more books later if any of you like it, but other than that, let's get going! -^ ^-

L-29 and L-37 walked through the tunnels with haste. There was lots of delicious food waiting for them in the mess hall, and both of them were starving.

"Yokina! Wait up!" L-29 called to L-37, he slowed down and she caught up."I'm starving to death." she groaned.

"Yeah I bet you are." L-37 responded,"That lesson took aaages. I don't even want to go into metalworking."

"Neither do I." L-29 responded.''We can go over this at the table, it's far too loud, I can barely hear you!" She could hear L-37 laugh and soon they made their way into the heart, a larger open space in the fortress that the antwings would meet in for their meals and for sorting.

"So, what profession do you want– Chairo?" L-37 asked, taking a seat, and waiting for the arrival of food from the flashwings.

"You already know what I want." L-29 responded,"A doctor, or any role in the medical field."

"Awesome! I bet you got high marks on your medicine test then." He remarked,"I think I got pretty high on them myself. We could be medical assistants together, or you could be the doctor and I'll be the assistant."

"That would be amazing, although I'm not sure I'd trust you to heal anyone." She told him, while trying to constrain a laugh. Then she stopped and held his talons."Have you ever wondered what the sky looks like?" she asked him through their code.

"I..." L-37's response was thoroughly thought out before he continued,"I have, I bet it's really big and cool! It's probably higher than the ceiling of the heart!"

"Really?" L-29's eyes shined with wonder,"After the war is over, do you think we could see the sky together? We could get a nice borrow and see the sky every day!"

"That sounds awesome." L-37 smiled, and then looked up at the flashwing's delivery."Food!" He yelped, jumping to his feet.

"Come on, let's get something before you die of starvation." L-29 rolled her eyes teasingly.

"Night mom." L-29 hugged her mother and then tucked into her covers."Mom– have you ever seen the sky?" She asked her question before her mother left the room.

"No, sweetie, I haven't." Her mother responded,"But I am sure that when the war ends we'll be able to see it. You and me."

"And Yokina!" L-29 added, she knew her mother knew about their nicknames they had for each other, and gave a nod.

"And Yokina." She confirmed."We can all see the sky. Now, go to bed!" L-29 nodded and drifted off into dreams of the end of the war and living with her friends.


L-29 confidently circled "Medical assistant" on her resume, and hoped that L-37 was choosing the same. I can't wait to tend to dragons! She thought with glee, I know that they can't put me down, not after aced the medical test.

"Everyone, hand me your resumes!" The sorter abruptly ended the session, and all the dragonets moved forward to hand in their resumes. When he got to L-29 he looked at her paper and then to another paper in one of his other talons. He opened a vial and L-29 smelled it, it was very herbaly and reminded her of plants. I did it! I got into the medical field!! She thought her heart was leaping with joy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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