Powers, Belongings, and Quotes

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Super Strength: As a werewolf, Diana possesses superhuman strength which allows her to perform incredible physical feats such as breaking and snapping thick chains, punching through solid stone walls, lifting grown adults and throwing them through solid surfaces and across rooms with ease. Because she was a born werewolf, Diana has had many years to hone this ability, allowing her to easily defeat younger or newly-bitten werewolves in fights.

Super Speed: As a werewolf, Diana can move, run and react at speeds greater than even the finest human athlete. Diana has utilised her animalistic speed to perform feats such as outpacing a moving vehicle. Diana is also able to utilise her speed when running on all fours in werewolf form.

Super Agility/Reflexes: As a werewolf, Diana can jump from a height of several stories and land lightly on her feet, leap across large ravines, and perform a multitude of challenging acrobatic and gymnastic feats. This heightened agility also extended to Diana's reflexes, allowing her to catch arrows in mid-air and quickly dodge punches or bullets. Diana incorporates gymnastics into her fighting technique so that she could use handsprings, spinning kicks, and front and back-flips to harness more power to be used in her strikes, as well as to prevent herself from being unnecessarily injured while being thrown around.

Super Durability: As a werewolf, Diana is much more durable and resistant to blunt force trauma than a normal human.

Super Senses: As a werewolf, Diana can use her glowing eyes to see in total darkness, across long distances, and to perceive supernatural phenomena that cannot be seen with human eyes, such as Kitsune auras and the Nemeton when it is shielding itself. She possesses an extremely acute sense of smell that allows her to track animals, human, and supernatural creatures across long distances solely by scent, so long as the scent isn't washed away by rain or overpowered by stronger scents like chemicals. This ability also allowed her to discern the emotional state of others by interpreting the chemosignals in their scents. Also, Diana had a very heightened sense of hearing, granting her the ability to hear whispered conversations from hundreds of feet away, sense approaching enemies, and, with some degree of accuracy, determine truth from lie by listening to a person's heart beat while they talk. Because Diana was a born werewolf and was raised in a family of Werewolves, Diana's senses had been honed to near-expert levels, making her one of the strongest supernatural trackers in the series due to her ability to quickly interpret sensory information by using a combination of her heightened senses.

Accelerated Healing: As a werewolf, Diana possessed the ability to heal from most mild to moderate wounds within moments, and more severe wounds within hours. This ability also extended to her immune system, granting her immunity to all human diseases and conditions, as well as making her unable to become drunk on alcohol or high on drugs as a result of her body healing his damaged cells too quickly. Diana had been shown to rapidly heal from injuries as minor as cuts or broken bones.

Longevity: As a werewolf with an accelerated healing ability that heals and replaces dead, dying, or aging cells at a constant rate, Diana has a highly extended lifespan and will be able maintain her youthful appearance for much longer than a normal human. The oldest known shapeshifter, Satomi Ito, was over 110 years old and maintained the appearance of a woman in her late 50s or early 60s before her own death.

Shapeshifting/Transformation Control: As a werewolf, Diana has the ability to partially shift into a wolf by transforming her body, giving her werewolf eyes, teeth and claws.

Shapeshifting/Transformation Control: As a werewolf, Diana has the ability to partially shift into a wolf by transforming her body, giving her werewolf eyes, teeth and claws

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