Werewolf Notes and Questions

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So the notes below are some ideas on werewolves within the Walking Dead. The only set one is Daryl and Merle but everything else you can offer opinions and ideas on. I just tried to weave in the werewolves that would seem to be natural. 

- Also wondering if you guys think the supernatural species would be immune to the Wildfire virus that creates the walkers. This would change some plot with Merle, given his story later on and stuff, but I don't think it changes too much. Like they can still be torn apart and killed by walkers, but they won't come back if they are killed?


Character Changes:

The Walking Dead Characters who are werewolves:


So I have decided that Daryl and Merle will be werewolves. Both of them are born werewolves, but born from a bitten werewolf (Will Dixon). Both of them are Betas, though I don't know if as they are alone and technically aren't connected to a pack, they wouldn't be considered Omegas.

I see Daryl as having gold eyes, as I don't see him taking innocent life even as a werewolf. Deep down, Daryl is a good person behind his gruff demeanour and I just don't see it in him.

As for Merle, it depends. Werewolves have blue eyes if they have taken innocent life, but what is innocent life? I'm assuming innocent as in a child or someone who's defenseless. But if you were to kill someone in self defence or someone who's like a murderer then I'd guess they'd stay yellow but surely guilt also plays into it. Like if you killed an innocent but felt no guilt, then would their eyes stay gold or turn blue? If he starts with gold eyes then he would eventually gain blue eyes especially with the Woodbury lot given what he does with them.

Groups that are werewolves or have werewolves in their ranks:


The Wolves

The Ferals


- I see the Governor collecting any he comes across after he saves Merle and finds out what he is.

The Saviors (Negan Smith (Alpha) at least)

- as an Alpha, Negan can pretty much turn who he wants in the Saviours, so there will likely be a fair few of them in the ranks

The Whisperers (Alpha and Beta at least (their ranks are pretty obvious))

- as an Alpha, Alpha can pretty much turn who she wants in the Whisperers, so there will likely be a fair few of them in the ranks

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