Chapter Four

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Not long after Glenn returns, a second vehicle comes up the dirt path. This time a Luton box van with some store's decal on the side of its box. Obviously, it doesn't travel as fast as Glenn's muscle car so it's taken some time for them to follow him up here. Shane is still tense though. but to be honest, Diana feels like that might be his default setting. Even before the end of the world. Those first few days upon meeting him, she put it down to him having two grown kids thrust upon him, but he has barely unclenched since. Maybe it is just him. The box van comes to a stop, the engine cutting out before the back opens up and the survivors of the supply run all start to bundle out. Andrea first, immediately seen by Amy who races forward towards her. A sense of relief for both of them. Because just as the camp worried about the supply run, the supply run worried about the camp. Anything could have happened whilst they were gone. They could have come back to nothing but destruction and death. That's always going to be a possibility now.

"Andrea!" Andrea runs up to Amy and the two sisters hug.


"Oh my god! You scared the shit out of me" Amy scolds Andrea as Morales gets out of the truck and his wife and children run up to him.


"Hey," Morales picks up his son as he reaches him and then curls a hand around his daughter. "Come here, sweetie" He pulls her closer to rest against his leg as his wife looks over him to check for any injuries. "Hey. I told you I'd be back, didn't I?" He asks her softly. Carl watches the reunion with sad eyes, and of course, it's understandable that every time he sees a dad embracing his kids, he's going to wish that was him and Rick.

"You are a welcome sight" Dale tells Morales as he sets his son down. Dale and Morales hug. Both laugh with relief at the group coming back in one piece. Almost one piece. Diana knows that Glenn said something about Merle but that is not a member that the majority of them will miss. Daryl will, of course, but Merle was not a group player and likely would have gotten at least one of them killed in the future. "I thought we had lost you folks for sure"

"How'd y'all get out of there anyway?" Shane asks the arrivals.

"New guy... he got us out" Glenn answers, Shane frowns and turns to look at him.

"New guy?" Shane counters.

"Yeah, crazy Vato just got into town" Morales answers this time and Shane turns to him. Glenn lets out a breath and Diana nudges him with her elbow whilst giving him an annoyed look. He shrugs back at her in apology. She doesn't blame Glenn. Shane is just being a dick about her having friends it seems. "Hey, helicopter boy! Come say hello" From the truck, a new figure emerges. A new survivor. And that is new. It's been a good week or two since they have found a survivor to welcome to camp. "The guy's a cop like you," Morales adds as the newcomer moves towards the camp. Something in Shane's entire body language changes when he sees this person. This man is wearing a sheriff's department uniform. Shane's shoulders sink and he stumbles a little where he stands. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why and Diana figures it out rather quickly. There is only one person who would illicit that reaction in him. This is Rick. Coma Rick. Someone that Shane said was dead. No wonder Shane has reacted the way he has. Carl and Lori then turn around as if almost sensing that Rick is here and in the same breath, he's turning to look around the camp. His eyes find his wife and son.

"Oh my god" He comments, knees buckling. Carl's eyes widen as it sinks in just who he is seeing standing there. Carl races towards Rick.

"Dad! Dad!" Rick takes Carl in his arms, crying as they are reunited after months away from one another. Diana knows that she would be the exact same way if she saw Derek again and she doesn't think that he's dead.

"Carl. Oh!" He kisses Carl on the cheek and approaches Lori. He hugs them both tightly. Diana's eyes shift to Shane as he stares at Rick and his family reuniting. He is not happy to see his friend back. It's like his entire world has shattered around him. Instead of feeling joy that his friend who they all thought was dead is alive and well and reunited, he is seeing his own fall. Everything he has coveted since the end of the world is being taken from him. Men like him will not take this well. But for now, dwelling on the good news will benefit them all. To dwell in the warmth of the reunion. It will do them all some good to bask in this good news. Diana shifts her eyes back to the reunion to do just that as Glenn drops his arm around Diana's shoulder with a smile. Seems she isn't the only one that is basking in it. She lifts an arm around curls it around Glenn's back to lean closer to him. Out of all of them, Diana has grown closest to Glenn. It's hard not to. Glenn is just one of those people with one of those personalities that are hard to hate. Hard to do anything but adore them. There is nothing romantic or sexual between them, it's just one of those friendships that she's found rare in her life. An easy one. She doesn't feel as tense around him compared to the others. She feels more like herself around him without giving away what she is. Because Glenn gives off an air that he doesn't care about anything other than what is laid out in front of him. Be nice to him, and he's nice right back. There is no ulterior motive with Glenn. The state the world is in right now, does not deserve Glenn. Carl is bawling his adorable little eyes out but for once they are completely happy tears. It's been a long time since any of them cried happy tears. For a reunion that none of them saw coming. They thought Rick was dead, so him turning up, out of the blue, is a surprise. Hearing children crying, for whatever reason, always gets to Diana. She doesn't know what it is about them making those noises. Maybe her enhanced hearing, but it always gets to her. Diana rests her head against Glenn's shoulder as the entire group really watches. There are no eyes that are not on the family. It has done something to the camp already. A weight lifted. A sliver of hope replacing despair. Because if Rick's alright, then their families in other parts of the country might be alright too. It's grasping at straws but they need it.

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