chapter IV (phantom)

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Phantom unlocked the dorm room. "Vilana!" He screamed. Vilana was curled up in Vilana Ball. Phantom went to her side. "Vi, what's wrong?". "Everything's fine, Phantom." She said, a smile plastered on her face. "No it's not. I know the smile. You've used it too many times." He put his hand on her shoulder.

"Tell me what's wrong, please." Phantom whispered. Vilana looked away. "Phantom, I'm fine." She replied, her hand rummaging to her backpack.

She froze. "What?" Phantom asked as she desperately searched through her bag. "Where is it?!" She cried and turned around. "What? What are you looking for?" Phantom asked. "The gift from my mother!" She replied, her tone urgent.

"It doesn't matter, Vi! She was so mean to you!" Phantom grabbed her hand before she clawed through the backpack any more. "I-It does matter!. It's the only gift I ever got and she gave it to me when she still cared about me! She loves me." Vilana whispered the last words. Phantom was speechless.

She loves her?! How could such a wonderful, kind person think a cruel, evil, heartless creature loves them? "Vi-" "I need to get it back!" She cried, her eyes almost spilling with tears. "Please, Phantom. I need to go back!" She said, her voice breaking. Phantom took her hand. "I'm coming with you." 

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