Chapter V (vilana)

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The midnight's stars shone above the two teenagers as they maneuvered through the woods. They had both agreed to leave that night for the jewel, in fear the school would catch them. Now, the moon was the only source of light. "Which path did you use to get here?" Phantom asked.

"That one." she whispered, looking down and remembering the times when her mother would threaten to drop her off to Wayward Academy. A sudden memory filled her mind at the thought of her mother. The orphanage that her mother had sent her to.

The countless times her mom would visit Vilana to taunt her filled her head. "She still loves me." She mumbled, trying to assure herself. "Let's get this over with. No one, especially that heartless creature, can find us."

Phantom coughed on the words "heartless creature" as if he had not said them.She ignored him. "Here we go..." she whispered and ran down the path. Then, there was the house.

Vilana was almost tempted to run through the door and hug her mother. It didn't matter about all the times she was taunted. She loved her mother. (Phantom: *.+ Trauma +.*) Phantom watched as Vilana twitched as if she desperately wanted to go inside. "Vi, we're here for the jewel, remember that." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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