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"we are waiting on the manifest." Englehorn says.oh yes you may wonder who I am my name is y/n Darrow and I play the part of Anns sister in this film."what,who?English please." Mr.Denham says to Englehorn

"paperwork Mr.Denham." Englehorn informs him as I stand very closely to my sister Ann."I'll give you another thousand to leave right now." Mr.Denham suggests quietly."you haven't given me the first thousand yet." Englehorn tells him.

Mr.Denham scoffs at this "can we talk about this later?" Mr.Denham asks Englehorn "cant you see we're in the company of two V.I.P guests." Mr.Denham quickly adds.

"ma'am's." Englehorn says as he approaches us "Ann Darrow." my sister says in response and shakes his hand with a smile "y/n Darrow." I say and do the same.

"So your ready for this voyage Miss Darrows?" Englehorn asks the both of us "Sure." my sister says for the both of us "Nervous?" Englehorn asks us and Mr.Denham lifts his head a bit "Nervous.No,why?" I ask him and my smile slowly turns straight "should we be?" my sister asks."it isn't every woman who would take such a risk." Englehorn tells us both and Mr.Denham motions his head to Preston then back to us.

"Why don't I show the Darrows to their cabin?" Preston asks "Wonderful idea.thank you, Preston." Mr.Denham says quickly and I become a bit suspicious of him.

"Miss Darrows if you would just,uh. Preston says "Hi, my name is Preston,I'm Carl's assistant." Preston says as we walk onto the boat.

"$2,000, it's a deal." I hear Englehorn say "will you take a check?" Mr.Denham asks "do I have a choice." Englehorn says as we walk into the distance.

"please, follow me.if theres anything that you need-" Preston begins "Excuse me fellas." he says "yeah,if there's anything you need please don't hesitate to, ask." he says and finishes slowly as he looks down at me and my sister who hesitate to get on the boat but do it anyway after a few moments.

*+.I'm gonna skip the part with Jack and Carl as neither y/n or Ann were there,I will only do the parts of the movie that have Ann in it and I will place y/n with her.+*

I watch as Ann practise meeting Mr.Driscoll in the mirror "are you trying to make him fall for you Ann?" I ask her with a smirk as I put away our clothing.

"Ann!y/n!come on in.let me intruduce you to the crew." Mr.Denham says and me and my twin Ann walk in and my h/l h/c hair flows behind me.

"This is Herb, the cameraman." Mr.Denham informs us "Delighted to meet you misses." Herb says and shakes my hand and Anns and I smiled at him "likewise." Ann says with a smile "may I say,what lovely dresses." he says "oh thanks!my sister y/n made them both!" Ann says with excitement.

"isn't that one of Maruenes costume?" Preston asks and points at an behind him "hers is mine isn't." I say and snicker and Ann clasps her hands together "now what do some girls have to do around here to get some breakfast?" Ann asks.

"You heard the lady lumpy!" Mr.Denham says and the cook, lumpy looks towards us "Fancy my porridge a la walnuts?" Lumpy asks us.

"uh Ann I don't believe you've met-" Mr.Denham says but is cut off as Ann is in a trance,and I already know why,but this is not Mr.Driscoll me and him are old friends hence why I know this is not him."uh Ann?" Mr.Denham asks from behind her.

"Thats all right, Mr.Denham I know who this is." she tells Mr.Denham and I lean against a wall with my arms crossed "thrilled to meet you.its an honour to be a part of this." Ann says and I giggle as jack walks through the door and hugs me then going back to focusing on a paper in his hands as he walks closer.

"Gee thanks." whoever the heck she is talking to says."Actualy I'm quite formiliar with your work." Ann says "really?" the guy who shes talking to puts on a confused face and asks.

"yes,and what I most admire is the way you capture the voice of the common people." Ann says "well that's my job." the guy says "I'm sure you've heard this before, Mr.Driscoll,but if you don't mind me saying," Ann says and Jack looks up at her after hearing his name.

"you don't look at all like your photograph." Ann adds and Mr.Denham sighs and Jack looks at the other wall and smiles slightly and chuckles lightly.

"excuse me." the guy says "wait a minute Ann." Mr.Denham is cut off by Ann "so much younger in person and much better looking." Ann says as she leans closer to Mr.Denham and I grin at her failing to notice that the guy shes talking to isn't jack.

"Ann stop.stop right there." Mr.Denham says as jack stands right behind her "you see, I was just afriad that you might be one of those self-obsessed literary types." Ann says as jack stands behind her without her knowing and my grin widens.

"im sorry, I'm not-" the guy trys to sy but is cut off by Ann "you know the tweedy twerp with his nose in his book,and his head up his a-" an was about to finish as jack closes his book loudly and Ann turns around with a smile which soon disappears as she realizes its jack "it's nice to meet you too, Miss Darrow." he says with a smile

I sit atop of the railing as Mr.Denham says action and Ann runs out from the boat "I think this is awfully exciting I've never been on a ship before!" she says excited. "I've never been on one with a woman before." Bruce tells her "I guess you don't think much of women on ships do you?" Ann asks Bruce in a excited yet cautious voice."no their a nuisance." Bruce says in a slightly irritated voice "well I think your a nuisance." I tell Bruce with a slight hint of irritation "well then I'll try not to be." Ann tells bruce "just being around is trouble." Bruce says.

"uh, cut.Great.uh Bruce wonderful performance.you can relax for ten minutes." Mr.Denham says and I hop off back onto the ship from the railing.

as me and ann are walking back to our room I look across the hall and see jack shirtless and my eyes immediatly dart to the ground and I walk past him and into mine and anns room.

I look into the camera as i stand beside the railing of the ship and Ann runs out next to me and I watch the sunset like I'm supposed while she does whatever she needs to for the camera and her eyes catch jack's.Mr.Denham turns to Jack "Thank you." Mr.Denham says swiftly "Let's take it." Mr.Denham says and turns back to Jack "do you mind?we're trying to shoot a scene." Mr.Denham whispers almost to quiet for me to hear "okay bye." Jack says "thank you.Okay again." Mr.Denham says

Later at night I walk into the room with Mr.Hayes and watch Mr.Denham looks up at us while Preston stays with his eyes glued to the table "If someone were to tell you this ship were headed to Singapore..." I begin "what would you say?" Mr.Hayes asks "I would say their full of it Mr.Hayes.We turned southwest last night." Lumpy says as he walks into the room.

"Gentlemen,Gentlewoman,please we're not looking for trouble." Mr.Denham says as he stands up "no...your looking for something else." Jimmy says as he walks into the room

"yes,we are." Mr.Denham says and turns "we're going to find Skull island." Mr.Denham says and I stiffen a bit at the name of my old island.

*+.a bit of backstory.+*
a little girl named y/n washs up on the shore in front of a married couple who are on vacation with their young daughter Ann and Ann rushes towards the girl y/n is Ann's age is what she looks like and later that week when y/n wakes up they find out she was born the exact day year and month as Ann but they are not related by blood they are twins though it was confirmed by doctors yet it is anything like they have ever seen y/n only matches the DNA of Ann not anns mom or dad y/n and Ann shared a birthday the day y/n woke up they turned 11 that day y/n still does not speak of where she came from but it was no place good
*+.end of backstory.+*

"find it film it and show it to the world." Mr.Denham continues and tense even more "you don't know what is waiting for you there." I mutter "and do you?" Mr.Denham asks me and I shut my mouth but he continues to try and make me speak "she doesn't need to speak about it if she doesnt want to." Jimmy says and I smiled at him and Mr.Denham continues about what he was talking about before "For 25 cents you get to see the last blank space on the map." Mr.Denham says

"I wouldnt be to sure of that." Lumpy says "what do you mean?" Preston asks finally looking from the table."Seven years ago me and Mr.Hayes were working our passage on a Norwegian barque.." Lumpy says "we picked up a castaway found him in the water he'd been drifting for days.His ship had run aground on an island way west of Sumatra." Mr.Hayes says that's when I realized Jimmy had been on my island "An island hidden in fog he spoke of a huge wall...built so long ago no one knew who made it.A wall one hundred foot high.Strong today as it was ages ago." Lumpy finishes.

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