1.5 (Epilogue)

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(skip past the rest of the movie because there is no way I can right that.

3 triplets Hayes,Ann,and Ora jump off of a giant staircase falling into the water.y/n and Jimmy watch them fall from the top.the last name of the children are Darrow after their mother,y/n Darrow.Ann is very playful and loves to learn new things along with telling stories.she is the middle child.

Hayes is more serious than the others but knows when to have a little fun.he is the oldest.

Ora is optimistic and knows how to cheer people up when their sad.she is the youngest.

y/n watching them from the stairs slides off her shoes and jumps off after her children.

Later that night y/n sits with her children on a particular ledge telling her children of her past."when I was about your age I used to live here all the time and swim in those lakes with all sorts of creatures.an ape a hundred times bigger than me probably even bigger used to run through the forest along with me." She says and her children gasp 

"his name was Kong he died a year before any of you were born and I wish he hadn't he was my best friend.the time I met your father was a few weeks before that.we were on a ship coming back to this island I was trying with someone when he came in,it was love at first sight." She tells them and they stare at her in shock as y/n looks over to Jimmy who was watching his family quietly.

"Alright that's enough stories telling for the night off to bed with you." She says and the children walk over to their makeshift beds and lay down quickly falling asleep.

Jimmy walks over to y/n and sits down next to her "I love you and our family." He says softly as she pecks him on the lips "goodnight to you too." Y/n says walking over to their makeshift bed.

Jimmy stands up following his beautiful wife to their bed."Carl is coming to see the island again he will be here by tommorow." Jimmy says as he climbs into the bed "for what?" y/n asks him quietly.

"I don't know." Jimmy says "well I don't care if he comes here I'll just feed him to the dinosaurs." y/n says and Jimmy chuckles at her.

"who are you feeding to the dinosaurs mum?" Hayes asks from behind them startling y/n.

"a very bad man Hayes a very very bad man." y/n tells him and she gets up and picks him up sitting him in her lap.

"the one who killed Kong and his name is Carl.I don't want any of you getting hurt by him so stay away from him tommorow and protect your sisters for me ok." I tell him and he nods.

Hayes goes back to his bed laying back down.y/n yawns and looks at her watch seeing it to be nine-o'clock.

The next morning y/n woke up her children and her husband early meeting Carl at the small dock.

"I see you have some little ones with you." Carl's says "who's are they?one of the natives?" Carl adds seeing that the children were not fully white but with a tan tint in their skin.

y/n crosses her arms with a straight face and watches her children carefully."Their last names are Darrow." she tells Carl "now what do you want?" she adds "why should that matter you don't own this island." Carl says matter of factly.

"let me kill him." y/n mumbles towards Jimmy who chuckles nervously and backs away slowly knowing his wife doesn't mess around when she gets angry.

"actually Carl I am.I am the only one who Kong trusted at the time he was last on this island now shut that hole in your face before I feed you to the t-rex!" she talks at first and shouts at the end.

Carl chuckles nervously walking around her slowly and she keeps her eyes on him.

That night back at the cave,y/n was sitting on her makeshift bed crying,Jimmy walks over to her and pulls her into a hug.

"if Carl would've just left Kong here he would've still been alive,it wasn't beauty that killed the beast or the planes it was Carl." y/n sobs out

"it's alright." Jimmy tells her "i'm going for a walk." She says standing up and walking away out of the cave and passing all the giant ape skeletons on the way.

Once y/n is out of the cavern she breaks off into a run across the island in a minute.

She walks to a small cave and goes inside sitting next to a triceratops.that is calmly asleep and y/n pets her and falls asleep.

In the morning y/n wakes up early and runs back to the caverns.When she gets there she climbs onto the ledge and wakes up her family.

Later that day they all stand by a ravene with Carl.Jimmy takes the triplets away knowing what's gonna happen by his wife's stone cold expression.

Once Y/n knows the children are far enough away she whistles,A triceratops runs from the forest towards Carl and he turns to look at it and y/n holds her hand out infront of the female triceratops.

y/n smiles at Carl and waves at him sarcasticaly with her free hand and moves her other one resulting in the triceratops ramming Carl off of the ravene.

That night she was sitting on the ledge with her feet dangling off of it and her head laid on her husbands shoulder watching the stars.

"Now this,is what I call,a happy ending." y/n says as their children come bounding over and jump into their laps.

Jimmy chuckles at all of them with a smile,happy that all of them was happy.

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