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"Why'd they build the wall?" Preston asks and Lumpy looks to Hayes and Mr.Denham looks at Jimmy "Well the castaway he spoke of a creature neither beast nor man but something monstrous living behind that wall." Lumpy says and Mr.denham scoffs and I walk over to where Jimmy is standing "A Lion or Tiger." Mr.Denham says

"or a giant Ape." I mumble inaudibul "A man eater. Thats how all these story's start." Mr.Denham says with a small laugh "What else did he say?" Preston asks "Nothing." Lumpy replies "Mm-hmm.sorry fellas you're gonna have to do better than that.Monsters belong in "b" movies." Mr.Denham says and tries leaves "If you find that place.if you go ashore with your friends and your cameras...you wont come back. Just as long as you understand that." Mr.Hayes tells him and Mr.Denham finally leaves with Preston.

I watch silently as everyone watches Jimmy and Ann dance on board and smile leaving to go back to my room.

"How long do you expect us to stay out here?" I hear Mr.Hayes ask and head into the room "It is out there." I tell them and they look towards me "come show us on the map Miss Darrow." Englehorn says and I walk forwards to the map and look at it for a moment before taking a pencil and draw something and hand it back turning and leaving with a smile.

Later that night I sit in my room thinking about what it would be like if I never met Ann when someone knocks on my door "Could I come in Miss Darrow?" I hear Jimmy question "Yes." I tell him and he comes in "You may call me y/n, Jimmy." I tell him.

"You look beautiful y/n." Jimmy says and I giggle "Thanks Jimmy." I tell him and he smiles and he starts to lean in and I do the same and our lips touch and it feels like fireworks were being set off inside of me and into the air as I pull away they disappear.

He looks shocked for a minute but then smiles at me "I have to go,Before Mr.Hayes realizes I'm gone," he tells me softly and I nod "I better go and see what my sister is doing." I tell him and he smiles bigger and nods before leaving.

I brush my hair before leaving my room deciding to leave my sister alone and head up on top of the deck.

"Hello Miss Darrow." I hear a voice say behind me "You can call me y/n, Englehorn." I tell him "What are you doing up here at night?" he asks me "I cant sleep I'm up here thinking." I tell him "But I better leave and go back to my room I don't wish to get a cold before filming." I tell him and leave back to my room.

I decided against it since it is not that cold and stay on deck "We are here." I say "Now only Kong can decide our fate." I say.

I walk around through the fog growing up in it I can see through it and up to where Jimmy is reading.He closes his book confused and shines his flashlight around.

He stands up and looks around and I go back to the deck walking around for awhile longer "Kong yuav txiav txim siab!" I exclaim

*+.translation "Kong will decide!".+*

"wall!there's a wall ahead!" Jimmy shouts "peb yog ntawm no!" I exclaim again *+.translation=we are here!.+*

Jimmy hugs the pole of the crows nest as we pass a giant rock and I giggle a bit at the sight.

I brace dig my feet into the ground as we hit a rock and everyone looks at me surprised at why I didn't grab something.

"Ann are you ok?" I ask her as she comes to deck "My god y/n I thought you were thrown over board." Ann says and hugs me.

This time I wasn't prepared for the impact and I get thrown to the other side of the ship but quickly stand up.

This time the ship gets hit again and I get splashed with water as the ship gets stuck. I am now currently on a life boat next to my sister after being forced off the actual boat.

Once we dock at the entrance of the cave and I look around seeing the skulls of my people and smile slightly.

I walk slowly across the rope bridge knowing how and when it was built.

Once we climb up the steps I smile at my old village while everyone gasps.

"It's deserted." Preston says as Denham starts filming "Of course its deserted use your eyes Preston." he says

I hear a woman sobbing and I run forward as Ann looks around.

"nyob zoo!" I shout as I see a little boy and he looks to me and then back to looking at what he was looking at before.*+.translation=hello.+*

Denham steps forward and I almost reach out and pull him back but I don't deciding to let him figure it out as I look at our surroundings I see my mother and my father and the rest of the tribe.

"Mr.Denham I think we should go back." Ann whispers to him "I will handle this." he says and holds up a chocalate bar before trying to force the little boy to take it.

Then they all look around and find the rest of my tribe.then the sound guy or whatever gets hit with a spear and I grin until my sister screams.

Kongs roar screams through the sky and I smile so wide my face hurts as I watch my father holding back my mother so she doesn't run to me and I frown walking over to her and I bend down to her level since she is sitting.

"peb yuav ua ke sai." I promise her and stand *+.translation=we will be together soon.+*

they surround my sister and she turns only to be met face to face with the chief.

After an epic fight a gunshot whizzes through the air and hits my chief "No!" I shout and try to run to him but I am held back by someone "khiav koj txhua tus!" I shout to my tribe.*+.Translation:run all of you!.+*

"We got away.We gotta be grateful for that gentlemen." Denham says "You hurt them!" I shout at him as I burst into the room "Ok you made it out they didn't what's the big deal?" Denham asks.

I start yelling at him and shouting all the ways it could've been avoided."y/n calm down they will be fine." Jimmy says calmly as he enters the room and I immediately calm down going back outside into the rain.

I stand in my room and I hear Ann scream the loudest I've ever heard before blacking out.

the Darrow twinsWhere stories live. Discover now