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After running for awhile I am carefully grabbed by  the back of my shirt and lifted up.Kong climbs the steps as I tap his shoulder."could you drop me in the weather I would like to go see some old friends I'll stay near here I promise." I tell him and he nods picking me off of his shoulder and dropping me down towards the water and I turn and place my hands together falling into the water with ease and swimming towards the shore.

"hey there girl." I say as I climb out of the water and I reach to pet the triceratops.She turns to me and recognises me and I pet her."you got a kid of your own?" I ask her and look to her other side and see a baby.

"I better go." I tell her and swim back to the other side climbing up the or running up the stairs.I finaly get up there exhausted and Kong notices this putting me on his shoulder as we pass his mothers skeleton.Then we pass his fathers skeleton.Then we pass the rest of his families skeletons.He climbs onto the ledge we would sit on when I was a kid.He is afriad more humans will come for him his family was killed by humans and they decayed to bones here I wished I wasn't there for the sight.

               *+.Kid y/n flashback.+*
As I lay hidden from sight on a ledge I cry silently as I watch Kong's family be murdered.Men with guns and missiles kill as I wait and listen to the screams and roars from his whole family."Run Kong!Run from here!they'll kill you!" I shout as I come out from hiding on the ledge.that night I was taken captive by those men.I was threw overboard the next morning I washed ashore and woke to find that I was found by a family only to pass out again and wake up the next week finding myself Ann's sister.
           *+.end of kid y/n flashback.+*

He sits me and Ann down and sits at the edge of the ledge and I immediately walk up to him and Ann does to but cautiously.kong looks down sadly at Ann.Ann goes Infront of him and he looks Infront into the distance.

Ann smiles at him sweetly and he looks away.Ann picks up some rocks and begins juggling trying to cheer him up and he glances at her from the corner of his eyes.

He finally looks over at her.Kong looks away and yawns at her and I smack at his arm slightly not hurting him.

I sit down and watch the sunset and Ann turns still standing to watch it to."It's beautiful." Ann says and I nod not looking away.

"beautiful." she says and turns to Kong and he looks at her.Ann puts her hand on her chest/neck and says "beautiful."

She stands looking at him and Kong hold his hand out and she steps onto it,sitting down.

By this time its getting dark so I stand and stretch moving and sitting on Kong's leg which he doesn't mind.

Ann being fast asleep and Kong unmoving I fall asleep on his leg Ann in his arm.but he doesn't seem to mind.

I wake up and head back into the cave only to find jack hiding and I shew at him like a fly but give up laying down next to Kong again.

Kong is now fast asleep as are me and Ann.When I am woken up by the sudden movement of Kong.
I move to the back of the ledge like I did when Kong's family was killed.

"Jack!Run!" Ann shouts and Kong roars and bangs on the ground.

bats sworm Kong as he hits at them roaring louder,so loud I think I might go deaph.I pass out not being able to handle the shreiking any longer.

I look around seeing a little me dancing around Kong's family and Kong.Then it switches to when they were killed and I watch little me cry silently.It then flashes to when I was forced into the water .Then it fade to when I was found by Ann's parents.Then I wake up.

Kong roars violently and he only seems to stop when he decides on something.

*+.Kong running to the bridge with y/n skip.+*

They run across the bridge as we get there I would leave but I wont leave Kong again.He doesn't deserve it.

Kong jumps onto the wall climbing it as I hold onto his shoulder for my life literally.

Kong breaks the wall and I finally get the releif of not being swinging.

Kong looks worrily at Ann and she just stares back at him.

"now!throw!" Englehorn shouts and I start to cry as I watch a grapple hook hit Kong.I grab Kong's fur as he breaks the net and he runs for Ann and thrlough the tunnel smashing anything in his way.

Kong jumps into the water and dunks his head soaking me.as Carl throws some chloroform at him.

Kong smashes the boat and Carl falls into the water.King grabs the boat shaking it some before throwing it.

I cry as the hit him with a harpoon "no!" I shout at them and KOng sits me aside on the ground "Kong no!" I shout as they hit him with another one.

"No!" I shout as Carl hits him with more chloroform and he lays asleep "damn you Carl Denham!He was protecting her!He was gentle and caring and his parents are dead he had to deal with that trauma now he has to deal with this!" I shout

"someone get her!" a man shouts as I try to run back into the island but it fails as soon as Jimmy grabs me thoguh and I break down and cry.

the whole time back I was depressed.I would often visit Kong wherever they kept him I would talk to him even though he couldn't hear or respond to me.

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