It's me, Hi

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I'm the writer its me 👋 I'm also a swiftie (maybe not level 13 but I love Taylor with my whole heart) and I assure you I will write Taylor Swift references wherever I can. Whether you're excited about it, just clicked off or are willing to give it a try.


If I ever do decide to publish this story, (probably not) and you - being the wonderful person you are - willingly click on it THANK YOU FOR COMING. This story is set in the marauders era and let's just have fun and forget that Lord Bald Rat exists cause honestly that guy is more oblivious than Harry. I mean literally bro couldn't take over a high school and lost to teenagers. And could he have made those horcruxes more obvious!?!? Such a material girl. Oh and please don't even get me started on the nose situation. My guy considers himself the most powerful wizard on the planet and can't charm his face to look like he has a nose or isn't freaking bald. Also that means Peter never went bad.

Sorry not sorry but I never liked Snape. He literally just asked Lord Bald Rat to spare Lily. LIKE IF HE REALLY LOVED HER HE NEVER WOULD'VE DONE SOMETHING THAT WOULD AFFECT THE PEOPLE LILY LOVED.  Like mother said "True unconditional love according me is when you love someone even though you know they don't love you back" So yeah I'm not going to erase him completely but he just be a stuck up bitch arse who thinks he's better than everyone and doesn't know that shampoo exists. Btw did you know Indians invented shampoo and I'm Indian.

I would say that I have a really wholesome and inspiring dedication or inspiration for this book but that would make me a liar. You know how some girls imagine scenarios to make them fall asleep? Yeah this is the compilation of those. 

Disclaimer: All characters except my oc's are owned by J.K Rowling. Even though Dobby and Hagrid wrote the books. I'm not a fan of her though sooooo 🤷‍♀️

The book is from my original character's point of view. And unless I can come up with any warning. Which I cannot


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