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The story goes back to 30 years ago in rathore family  when ashwin was not  even born , the rathore industries was  just started at that time.
Even though rathores were royals but  Ashok singh rathore (Ashwin's father) wanted to build something of his own, yes he was a king but still not satisfied.

He's contributed the most in building rathore industries as it was his dream and he made it come true he took rathore industries  to the stairs of sucess from nothing.
There's a phrase that says  someone's beginning is always someone else's ending;  same situation  was here , the rise of rathore industries became downfall of the rival company of  The Chauhans.

Chauhans were the best in India untill rathore industries became the bestest.
Naturally the owner of chauhan company Shivraj chauhan  grew hateful to rathores and considered Ashok rathore as his biggest enemy.
His hate grew worse and worse. He even attacked on Ashok Rathore several times to kill him but every attack was in vain. Ashok never got a single scratch over his body. He survived every attack.
Soon 2 years passed and RATHORE INDUSTRIES reached the new heights of success. Ashok  set an example  of great hardwork and dedication.
He was awarded with the most appreciated award in buisness - The best Industrialist Award.
Chauhaan grew more hateful towards him.

On the other side Ashok was happy as there was a double good news for him. As his wife Yashoda was 7 month pregnant with his child and was soon going to give birth .

On that rainy night at rathore mansion ; Vasudev, Savitri, Shyam ,Meera, and Ashok  everyone was sitting in the hall praising and celebrating the achievements of Ashok while Yashoda was upstairs.
Suddenly everybody heard a scream........

And it was none other than Yashoda, when everyone ran towards the sound of scream. They all stoned at their position because of what they saw.
Yashoda was lying unconscious on the ground as she fell from the stairs. Everyone got shocked and couldn't think anything.
Ashok and Shyam ran to pick up yashoda to take her to the hospital.
Shyam was driving the car at full speed while Ashok was trying to wake up Yashoda.
Suddenly Shyam applied break with thrust as someone was lying on the road.
Ashok told him to watch out the person and check if he's okay or not, but Shyam resisted and said  it can be a trap for us. But Ashok insisted and as soon as Shyam got out to check the man.
Several people came out  from their hiding places and attacked on shyam and then tried to attack ashok.
Ashok immediately got out from car to help his brother. They both fought like warrior as Yashoda's condition was serious and they couldn't waste anytime.

Soon everyone was beated down by both of them but..................suddenly someone hit a iron rod on Ashok's head from behind. As he turned to see it was Chauhan.
Ashok fell on the ground unconscious.
Shyam took incharge and lifted ashok and put  him in the car. He rushed to the hospital as it was a life threat on his family. Everyone's life was  in his hands.
As they reached the hospital without wasting a minute Shyam screamed his lungs out for help and in no time the staff took both Ashok and Yashoda to operation theatre.
Yashoda was still unconscious, knowing how serious the condition was doctors performed a C-SECTION  and saved the baby by premature  delivery.
The mother was so weak but came to her senses for few moment. She was crying her breath out when she saw his little baby boy.
She brokedown into tears and hugged her child as he was crying and as soon as the baby felt his mother's touch he stopped crying.
As the baby was premature he was kept on ventilator.
Soon Shyam was informed that the baby is safe but has to be observed for a week.
On the other side, doctors attended Ashok and were shocked to find him still alive as he was severely hit on the head.
Soon they performed surgery.
The family  arrived at the hospital and was shocked to know about the attack.
Hours passed, new day begun and now both Ashok and Yashoda finally came to their senses.
As soon as Ashok got clarity of mind the glimpse of the accident came to his mind and he rushed to see his baby and wife.
Yashoda too rushed to see the baby when she heard that the little soul  was on ventilator.
When they both rushed into the ward tears rolled down their cheeks. Ashok hugged his wife consoling her, caressing her hair he calmed her down. They both were happy to see the baby and Ashok named his son in front of family and pronounced him his heir - Ashwin Singh Rathore.
  After a week both mother and the baby were discharged from the hospital. There was a grand celebration at rathore mansion as their future king was coming to his home safely.
After all the pain there was still something that gave all of them a reason to smile , to be happy in all the chaos .

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