✨Chapter 2💫

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There's a little bit of suggestive content <3


(Sun's POV)

Upon entering the plush shop that Moon was ever-so-eager to visit, I adjusted the straps to the Superstar Daycare backpack I was wearing. I'd need it to carry the multitude of toys Moon would probably want to bring home with us. We'd decided to change clothes before going out as well, now wearing something more casual rather than our flashy, colorful uniforms.

Moon tried to keep his composure as he brushed briskly past me and began to peruse the many shelves stocked full of stuffed animals, plush versions of cartoon characters, and even those weird-looking plushes of the main four and us. There was a small section in the corner that was a couple of shelves with tiny glass drawers full of stickers as well, for those who couldn't find any good plushes but didn't want to leave empty handed.

Once he thought I wasn't watching him, a wide, childish smile spread across his face. He picked up a plush of himself, eyeing it. He looked flattered at how cute it was. But he put it back on the shelf. He knew the rule: He could only get as many as he could carry, so he had to think carefully on what plushes he'd pick.

I sat on a bench by the check-out area, which was run by a S.T.A.F.F Bot, where I could keep an eye on Moon, and pulled out my phone. I figured I could try to pass the time by playing some games, seeing as Moon would take a while.

I opened up Magic Tiles 3. It annoyed me that there weren't any recent songs, and if there were any, they sucked. But it was better than Royal Match or Solitaire, so-
Yeah, I didn't really have access to good mobile games; Fazbear's monitored practically everything we did. The only place that didn't have a camera was our bedroom, but they could just go through our memory files if they really wanted to know what goes on in there.

I shuddered. I didn't like the fact that we were constantly being watched. I tried not to think about it too much, instead choosing a song on the mobile game to play. The internet kinda sucked, so the tiles were slightly off-beat, annoying me even more.
I missed a note because of it and closed the app out of frustration.

Setting my phone down in my lap, I took off my backpack and opened it to take my headphones out. I plugged it into my phone and set the earpieces over my hearing sensors. My rays pulled in automatically when they felt something get placed over them, letting the headphones sit comfortably on my head.

I opened up Pandora and put on my playlist, sitting back as I tapped my foot to the beat. I closed my eyes and quietly hummed along to the song.

(A/N: This is what he's listening to btw, from my fav album^)

I was so wrapped up in the lyrics that I didn't even notice Moon had already checked out. I jumped as he suddenly pulled one of the earpieces off of my head and whispered "Boo." into my ear. I fumbled my phone and nearly dropped it, closing the app to turn the music off and pulling my headphones off quickly. My rays sprung back out once there wasn't anything holding them down anymore.

"You ready to go?" Moon snickered slightly, finding my startling amusing. That's a mouthful-
I saw that he was holding a Pokémon plush and a plush of a lamb with a nightcap on, as well as a receipt. He moved to place his new plushes in my backpack, huffing, "There wasn't anything good this time. All the nice stickers were sold out too."

I wrapped up my headphones and set them back inside my backpack, zipping it up once everything was put away. "That's okay, maybe there'll be something good next time we come?" I reassured. I stood up and slipped my phone back into my pocket. "Besides, we could just go look around the other shops? There's gotta be something good around."

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