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Demi's Pov;

Since the fireworks went off, Angelina went back inside and the next time I saw her, she was chasing a whole bottle of tequila. 

My parents, along with my fiancé, decided to head home after many guests had already deserted the place, I stayed behind, for a reason.

 Sighing as I walked towards the woman, a seemingly pained expression was etched on her face. "Go away." She glares turning her back against me.

Silently attempting to snatch the bottle from her hand, quickly, she moves it away from my reach. "You're not touching my tequila, uh uh." The woman squeals, her chin trembling as though she was like a little child.

"You've had too much." Attempting to do so again, she snatches it away for the second time.

"Don't be ridiculous, I only had a little." Angelina then lets out a small hiccup and I smile. "You sure?"

"Sit down and join me." The brunette waves a dismissive hand.

"I don't drink." But still, I took a seat and faced her, her cheeks were already pink and her eyelids looked weary.

"Be honest, do you like that man of yours?" Angelina slurs, my eyes flutter at her question.

"Yeah of course, why'd you ask?"

Well, I didn't have a choice. See Strevan is a decent man coming from a decent family and so am I, we were two souls forced to meet, forced to please both families.

"I look at the eyes and I seek the truth in it, sweetheart. So I don't think 'Yes, of course' is the honest response dear." Angelina hummed.

"It's kind of complicated." I fell silent.

At this point, we were the only people left. The woman pouted her lips and gave me an irritated glance. "You look like her you know, and it stings."

"Your daughter?" I ask, not really bothered by the fact I do.

"Yeah," She nods, wincing slightly.

"Why though? Why'd that have to sting?" Eyeing her closely as she shifts uncomfortably.

"It's also complicated sweetheart." Angelina grins faintly, finally letting go of the bottle as it was already empty. 

The woman pats my shoulder and attempts to stand up. Failed.

Her body crashes to a nearby table, knocking several utensils to the floor. Covering her eyes with her palm she chuckles, "I feel a little dizzy. That's all." 

"Where exactly are you going?" Scoffing as I ran to her aid, she shook my hand off her arm and started trudging towards the kitchen.

"I'm gonna get myself some wine, why?" The brunette replies sternly.

Grabbing her by the shoulders, I shook her slightly, "You're drunk and I don't know where you live!"

Angelina scoffed and started rummaging through the contents of each cabinet hoping to find a bottle.

Hopeless, her body slowly drops to the floor, her hands covering her face. There she sat motionless, I was standing in front of her and unable to decide what to do.

The lights were now dimly lit, the whole place was deserted, and I could easily make out our breathing as silence filled the air.

"I'm such a mess for this." The woman chuckles, and yet only now had I realized that she was crying. As soon as her head raised, silver tears gleamed on her cheeks.

Her breath hitched as her head dove back to her arms again, and her loud sobs soon filled the whole place. I was stilled, what do I do?

Before my thoughts had ended it's bickering whether I should leave the brunette behind or be with her company, I realized my knee had met the floor.

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