prologue - here I was

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!!warnings!! <mentions of death, loneliness, bullies, and warning about unaffordable rent because us americans fear it lmao>

notes: i may or may not delete this bc its just like me to delete whatever i start writing :p sorry not sorry 🤗😝 oh also this chpt is shorter than the following ones I'll prob be writing just so yk :)


(Y/N) was probably the most socially awkward person in Mondstadt. Especially being an 16 year old. Given that she was just a teenager, it was normal to be kind of awkward, but she was just somehow different from that. (Y/N) couldn't regulate feelings very well, tended to get either very shy or extremely talkative, and annoyed everyone by doing so on accident. She didn't even mean to, she just was a somewhat naive kid. Except, it kind of turned half of the city kids against her, and she got stuck living a bit of a walk from Springdale. Her parents had made sure she would've been happy, but now her mother and father were deceased. She'd been living in their home by herself for a while now, almost 1 and a half years because she was turning 17 soon. There was a problem with bills now though, it was as if they went up as her parents died, like the landlord was purposefully trying to kick her out. 

Then, there was Dawn Winery. As a kid, her parents had been close to Master Crepus, and they gave some of the food from their garden to him for drinks. She'd been there several times, and known his sons Diluc and Kaeya. There was also some girl, Jean, who was there quite a bit. They'd been friends, all four of them, but a bit before her parents died, she lost touch and slowly forgotten them to an extent. But recently, she'd recieved a letter from Crepus asking how she fared. It read as so:

"To (Y/N), ____, Springvale

From Crepus

Hello (Y/N), I sent this letter as an attempt to check in on you. It's been almost 2 years, and I have been quite worried about you. As have Diluc, Kaeya, & Jean. If you respond, I also would like to hear about anything you might be struggling with. Your parents and I helped eachother make it through hard times, I wish to help you just the same, you're just a teenager after all. So if there's any worries, please let me know as well. Oh, and feel free to start visiting again, we've all been worried sick, ok?

Warm Regards, Crepus" 

(Y/N) had her mind on this letter for a little while after recieving this. The moment she finished with work at The Good Hunter, she hurried home to write a response.

Hmm.. what to write..

"To Crepus

Hello, thank you for checking in on me. I'm doing ok, and yes, I'm alive and healthy." ... now what to add. Mm, he said to add anything on my plate.. 

"To fulfill your request, there are quite a few problems I'm currently facing. Since I've been living by myself, the landlord of my parent's house has raised bills and rent after they died. And it's very problematic, because the rent is almost unaffordable for me. Then, there's income from my job, I can't make much from cooking at The Good Hunter, and it's really bothering me to try and get food while pay for the house. Other than that, there's not too much to worry about."

That works ok, uh... maybe it's long enough, I can conclude it.

"Anyways, tell Diluc & Kaeya I'm well, and I said hi, if possible, Jean as well. I'll see when I can drop by, hopefully I can see you guys again.

Thanks for the letter, (Y/N)"


Crepus had written a letter to (Y/N), trying to see what happened to her. In the meantime, Jean and his sons were busy with The Knights of Favonius. Crepus was sitting in the lounge as Diluc and Kaeya returned home.

"Hey, dad." Kaeya said casually.

"Oh, welcome home again! Was work ok today?" He said after noticing him say something. 

"Eh, it was ok, could've been better." Diluc replied.

"Is that so? Did anything interesting happen, then?" He asked curiously. "I kind of wonder now."

"Well, it's a bit of a long story, so to put it short, uh.." The boys looked at eachother. "Um, I kinda got another wound, again, I know. And so did he. So we're actually home early, hehe."

They looked at him and smiled awkwardly. "Uh.. is Adelinde here somewhere to help out, maybe?" Diluc asked. Crepus chuckled a little bit, then pointed to the left hallway.

"Heh, she's down there, you guys keep scratching yourselves up! Just try not to get hurt so much."


This chpt is the same as the one in my twin fanfiction for the other ragbro, so maybe check that out too! The other one will be a version of the story but specifically for Kaeya/Diluc. That way, I can be kinda lazy whike writing two fanfics!


short ahh chapter

Hope this was a good start ☺️

left on thin ice • 《kaeya x f!reader》Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat