I - meet kaeya again

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!!warnings!! <mentions of thunderstorms cos some people no like dem :( oh and there's some good ol' death mentions again that aren't too bad>

notes: this chpt should be longer, good for you guys 🤯 oh also would appreciate a vote maybe but your choice. anyways, I'm feeding a chapter to all of you, if I make a typo lemme know ONLY if it's too difficult to understand cos Im lazy :') enjoy now !


It had been 3 days. Kaeya walked back inside after tending some business across the vineyard, & he opened his mailbox to reveal a letter from (Y/N).

"hmm.. wait, who sent this? It says.. (Y/N)? She's alive! That's really good, I wonder what she's been up to though." Kaeya smiled as he thought about her being safe. She'd been gone for so long, what might she have done while away..?

Kaeya walked inside and looked for his dad. 

"Father, I found this in the letterbox. It says it's from (Y/N)." Crepus looked down at him.

"That's great! I sent her a letter about 5 days ago.. this might be a response. I'll take it, please." He smiled gently. It was nice to know that she responded to the letter.

"It says, huh, she is doing fine, but she can't afford rent anymore.. and then her job isn't making enough to pay it. Oh, but she is also doing ok, health-wise and all. She said to tell you hi."

"Oh, uh, that's nice of her." Kaeya replied awkwardly. What should he had said to that, it was such a weird thing to answer! "Father, do you know what will happen to her if she can't pay rent by chance?"

"Hmm.. oh no, I think I do. She'll be charged extra if she can't pay on time, and then be kicked out into the streetside I'm afraid." He said worriedly, lowering his voice level. "Erm, I mean, I could send her a bit to help out, or she could always stay here.. what sounds better to you?" He asked.

"I, uh, don't ask me to make decisions! I dunno what would be better. Maybe live here for a while, I guess." He stammered, caught off guard by the question. 

"Well then, I can arrange for that, I'll notify her then. She also said she might drop by sooner or later. Anyways, would you let Diluc know, and maybe Jean too please? They ought to know if their friend will see them again."

"Ah, yes, I'll do that then. Bye!"


(Y/N) couldn't be in a worse spot. She'd just gotten a notice that if she didn't pay on time this month, she'd get evicted from the property! (Y/N) had lived her almost her entire life, what else could she do about this?

It was about 6:00 P.M., and she wanted to take a breather, maybe relax. Oh, she could go to the winery, visit them again, couldn't she? She hurriedly skipped out of Mondstadt to the winery. Maybe there she'd be heard, helped, talked to. As (Y/N) was about 3/4 of the way there, she heard a crack of thunder. After realizing she'd seen lightning a moment ago, she went under a nearby tree. "Ah, shit."

 Just moments later, droplets of water trickled down between branches and onto her face. She sighed at her bad luck, and sat against the tree trunk.

As she waited, (Y/N) realized the rain was a thunderstorm, and could result in herself getting struck by lightning or the tree. She got back up after a moment and ran to the winery. 

It was kind of fun, given she was kind of racing raindrops. And it smelt good. On she went to be sheltered, not wanting to take a full on shower at the moment. 

As she approached, (Y/N) heard shouting noises. It sounded like someone being told to head inside again, or likewise. Wait, some blond girl with a ponytail, and a guy with red hair. Diluc was clear, then, was it Jean?

"Jean, come on! I'm already soaked, we should go inside to dry off!!" Diluc laughed. She laughed too, then yelled back. "Haha, I'm on my way, ok?! Hey!!" He pulled her by the shoulder a bit, attempting to hurry in. Jean turned her head.

"Wait, look. Who's that, some girl over there is looking at us and walking over here." She looked back at him, then you again. "Wait, they look familiar to me.. do you recognize her from some place?" He looked at Jean again. "Yeah.. I dunno where though. 

"Hmm.. wait, closer to us, she looks like-" .. he was cut off.

"Guys, guess who." (Y/N) giggled as she ran up to them as to be face to face. "Remember me or need a hint?" She asked. 

"Umm.. wait, (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, is it..?" Jean said in confusion. "(Y/N)?!? I honestly thought you were DEAD! Or, at least gone to some other place!!" Jean hugged her. 

"Woah, I get that we all just reunited, but lets hug inside when we're all dry, please?" Diluc pleaded jokingly. He clearly didn't want to be drenched in water right now.

"Hehe, that's fine. I'm starting to be soaked too, that's a good idea." The three went inside, all of them covered in raindrops.


All dried off, Diluc and Jean went up by Kaeya's room. Diluc went in. "Heya, how's it going? Oh, also, Jean's here in the lounge." Kaeya tilted his head a bit. "And with who? Whoever the other person is, you all were so loud. I heard you in here as you entered!"

"Guess if you want to know." Diluc chuckled. "Oh, that's probably Jean. I'll get the door." Kaeya raised an eyebrow. "No, I'LL get the door, it's my bedroom after all." He opened the door to see Jean. Her hand was behind the door, holding someone else's who he couldn't see.

"Hi Kaeya. How are you?" A voice was heard, but Jean didn't say anything. "What trick are you guys trying to pull?" Jean stepped inside, (Y/N) behind her. "Oh, this one, to answer your question." (Y/N) spoke.

"Woah, woah, wait a minute. (Y/N)?! I haven't heard from you for almost 2 years, now you decide to show up? This is all ridiculous, how did you guys find her?!" He asked, almost angrily, but he was really just shocked.

"Well, you see, er, we didn't." Jean said.


I love ya'll enough to leave you hanging. What a beautifully placed cliffhanger! 🤗🤭

😘😖 yw pook-a-licious!! <3


Sorry it still turned out pretty short :( I promise that there will be chapters longer than this, literally, I swear!

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