III- (Y/N)'s Daily Nightmares

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!!warnings!! <swearing, violence, blood/gore, and ahuhuhu inflation too bc it's so scary haha 😭>

notes: so late update again but its bc i had no time to write even during school break 👍👍 tuesday im in school again (monday is the eclipse so we have no school :PP) basically just gotta remind myself whenever im not busy because i always forget until i have something to do lol

oh and enjoy the somewhat revealing story of how (y/n)'s parents died, though not in full, partially because i'm lazy af, partially because it's important to the plot, and partially because i suck at thinking, so uhm yep

BTW I know this is the longest top segment so far but uh if something is first person my phone didnt copy and paste italics right, ok? 👍


They're in trouble..

A LOT of trouble.

Wait..... who's that?

 I don't trust them... they look- huh.

 Where did they go?

A feminine figure approached (Y/N), almost invisible due to the shadows of midnight.

"Dear, we have to go. They're after us." 

It was her mother.

".. you're right." She replied.

(Y/N)'s father approached. He was bleeding a lot.. though he walked it off as if it were nothing.

"Let's get out of here. We have to be at home, cozied up with our supper, don't you agree?" He smiled as he spoke.

"... DAD. You're hurt, what do you mean? We should at least wrap the wounds first, if not stop entirely on the side if the path-"

"Too late."

"Hmm.. an arrow was shot at us.. infused with electro.. and so near Snezhnaya- MOM!!"

She ran up to her mother as the Fatui members approached, and armed.

Though, before she knew it, she was scratched up and on the ground, her lifeless parents laying next to her, blood all over her gloves.


(Y/N) breathed heavily, quickly sitting up in her bed as she caught up to what happened.

"No, no, no, NO-"


"..... oh. I was asleep. Dreaming. And it's currently- 4:30 IN THE AFTERNOON?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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