5 - The Glitch

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"Wha- what?" You said, confused.
" IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANT YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUR SOOOOOOOOOOOULLLLL..." The thing rumbled. It started slowly inching toward you. It's eyes glowed red with rage. You knew you couldn't out-run this beast. It was like, 6 feet tall! It wanted to stop you.

It wanted your soul.

"Um.. uh.." You stuttered, terrified. "UH... I SHOULD PROBABLY GOOOooooo.." You jumped up and landed on top of it. "MUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" It Screamed! You hopped off it and started running in the opposite direction. Wow, you went fast. You could feel the wind on your face and wouldn't dare look back. Just running CRAZY fast. Eventually you started to breathe heavier. Still running at full speed, you turned your head around. It wasn't even there. So you stopped running and started panting. "That was... *gasp* crazy. *gasp*.." You just needed to calm down. What was that thing? Maybe it wa-


You head a boom, just like in stereo madness. You turned around again. You haven't died. The beast was right in front of you. He looked angry! His glowing red eyes were glowing even brighter. "MUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!" IT SCREAMED. You started running in the opposite direction again. Wow, deja vu. Except this time. You heard more booming sounds like the one before. Still running, you turned around. It was running after you! And surprisingly fast! It made weird grunting noises as it ran. Not knowing if you could outrun him, You just kept on running.. as fast.. *gasp* as you.. *gasp* can! The booming sounds just got louder and louder. You could feel its presence right behind you. His sharp teeth wanting to gobble down on you for a good meal.. a soul meal probably. "AHHHHHHHH!" you yelled. You seemed to be getting slower by the second. The stomping got louder. The breathing got louder. It was going in for the kill. It just needed to close its jaws, and you would be dead. You were going to die.

You could almost feel its painful jaws sink into your skin. It clos- "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" You closed your eyes.. and everything was dark. Maybe this is what it was like to be dead. It was all black....


Wow this was boring. There was nothing to look at. Nothing to feel, except it felt like you were eternally falling. All you wanted to do was to play stereo madness. And maybe you could get home.. Wait.. HOME! You prepared for the panic attack... ...nothing... Maybe if you were dead, you couldn't get nervous. Just eternal boredom. It still felt like you had your eyes closed. This was so boring. You tried to open your eyes, and there was light. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" You yelled. It was so strange, seeing the light, even though you've probably only been in the dark for five minutes. Were you alive... or... dead? You heard a faint noise.. like yelling... it kinda sounded like zobros, but deeper.

The yelling got louder, and clearer. It stared to make sense. You could pick out words.. 'don't'.. 'war'.. 'spike!'.. ' It can't'.. 'glitch'.. 'leak'.. 'on'.. It began to get quieter and less clear. It was becoming darker .. oh no. There was a ringing noise and a sharp pain inside you. Like one giant pin/needle. The ringing noise got louder and-


Everything was clear now. There was no pain. You opened your eyes and you were.. somewhere. You were in some kind of bed. It was really soft.. and comfy.. Oooo!

You sat up and started looking around. You were in some kind of room. It was warm in there. You looked up-
Gah! Oh, it was.. another bed? You looked to your right and saw another bed with one on top of it, and a ladder! "Wow, that's smart." You thought. So the thing above your bed must be the bottom of the other bed. Makes sense. There was a little rable next to your bed. On it was a note card that said, "Dash's bed." "So i'm dash.." you thought. "Makes sense." There was a box on the table that glowed "2:10". That must mean either it's early afternoon or the middle of the night. It was dark in the room with-


other people.
You didn't hear that snoring before. You heard it coming from the other top bunk. Well, that ment everyone else was sleeping, so it was night. But after all that, you were still not tired. You couldn't just sit there and wait for morning to come. You had some questions. So you got up...


"Shhhhhh..." you said. Hopefully that didn't wake anyone up. You quietly tip-toed to what looked like a door, grabbed the door knob, slowly twisted it, and opened it. There was a long hallway that looked like it expanded infinitely in boh directions. Look left... and right. There was one light coming from a room to your right. "I wonder who's up this late at night." You whispered. So, you started wa- no, tip-toeing over to the door. It looked like it was about 100 feet away. It wouldn't take long to get over there. Just tip, toe. Tip, toe. Tip, toe. Tip, toe. "I need to know what just happened." You thought. Tip, toe. Tip, toe. "I remember it all black and white.. and that.. thing." Tip, toe. Tip, toe. "What was that beast anyway? It looked very simmilar to that tiny thing you met right before you were going to try "Stereo Madness" again..

Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

"I'm getting closer..." You thought. "Just a few more... rooms." And the clock ticking wasn't helping either.
You were almost to the room.There was some talking in there. Someone was saying something. Now you were right outside the room, and you could hear the people clearly, well, one of them. "We can't let this happen again." A voice said. Them some muttering. "Yes, i'm glad that it is almost finished. It will help us a lot with the transportation crisis." Crisis. That meant it was someone in high power.. but who? Might be a famous person in the hall of fame. "He pedicted it would be around the time.. the invasion.. begins." He cleared his throat. 'Invasion'? What was that all about? Would-"But I believe we have found him.".. "Y-yes.. Him."... "N-N-no. I did not." "I told him he had to complete all the levels.".. "Not sure, i had to get away quickly because I was late for a meeting; but, I think he did." "Yes..... goodbye." Then it sounded like he put a phone down. That was strange. Almost.. wait! That might've Zobros! Wow. The light shut off and the door closed in your face. "Gah!" You whispered. Hopefully he did not hear you.

You made your way back to your room. Slowly opened and closed the door, and went back to bed. That was a strange experience. That might've been Zobros. Well,

Now you were tired.

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