Mr. Popular

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         Keith had agreed to this arrangement, not out of eagerness to bond with Lance, but to avoid the awkwardness of a refusal. The idea of him saying, "Um actually I never said yes to your proposal." cringed him out. He had always found Lance to be somewhat annoying, with his constant need to outshine everyone else and his apparent love for being the center of attention.

It was a warm afternoon when Keith and Lance decided to meet at a nearby cafe to study. As they sat at a secluded corner of the cafe, Keith found his annoyance increasing. Lance seemed to be more interested in chatting with the numerous people who approached him rather than focusing on their study materials. As one person after another came up to Lance, Keith felt a growing sense of irritation. These constant interruptions were distracting, and he found it hard to concentrate on his studies. 


"I seriously should've said no..." Keith mumbled under his breath, barely parting his lips. His words were barely audible, but they echoed in the silence between them. His fingers played with the edges of his notebook as he struggled to keep his composure. He had always been more comfortable in solitude, and this constant barrage of interruptions was beginning to wear him thin.

"Did you say something?" Lance asked, his eyebrows furrowing as he turned to Keith. His eyes, usually filled with a relentless energy, were filled with worry. He could see the frustration etched onto Keith's face, and it made his heart sink.

"Hm? No," Keith replied, too quickly. His eyes darted away from Lance's gaze, a clear indication of his unease. He was usually quite straightforward, but in this instance, he chose to bury his annoyance, not wanting to cause any conflict.

What a lie. Lance heard what he said. His heart pounded in his chest as he realized the extent of Keith's irritation. He had always been the life of the party, thriving in social situations. But in his eagerness to please everyone, he had neglected Keith, the one person he had invited specifically for this study session. It was his fear of isolation that prevented him from setting boundaries with others, from creating a space where he and Keith could focus on their studies without interruption.

"Um, what if we end the study session for today?" Keith suggested, his voice barely a whisper. His eyes met Lance's again, a silent plea for understanding. He was usually not one to back out, but the current situation was far from conducive for studying.

Lance was taken aback by Keith's suggestion. He blinked, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to find the right words. He looked around, noticing the numerous people milling about and the constant chatter that filled the air. He felt a pang of guilt. He had been so caught up in his fear of being disliked that he had failed to see the discomfort he was causing Keith.

"Oh, okay! Totally," Lance finally responded, his voice filled with relief. He could see the tension ease from Keith's shoulders, and it made him feel a little better. "Maybe we can meet up somewhere more...private." His words trailed off, his voice getting softer toward the end. He was still afraid of offending the people around them, but he realized now that he needed to prioritize Keith. After all, he didn't want Keith to hate him too. Their study session was important, and it was unfair to Keith to keep getting interrupted.

Keith nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "That sounds good," he replied, his voice stronger now. He was grateful for Lance's understanding. He knew that Lance was not intentionally ignoring him, and he appreciated Lance's efforts to correct the situation.

Their study session did not go as planned, but it was a learning experience for both of them. Lance learned the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing his commitments. Keith learned to voice out his concerns instead of keeping them to himself. It was a rough day, but it ended with a better understanding of each other and a promise to improve their next study session.

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