The More You Know

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     The morning sun peeked through the blinds, casting a soft glow on the room. Lance, who had long been a morning person, jumped out of bed with an energy that was infectious. He was ready to face the day, his spirits high after the deep conversation he had with Keith the previous night. He was touched by Keith's trust in him and was determined to respect the vulnerability Keith had shown. He never realized how much of an observer Keith was, he already new more about Lance than those who surrounded him everyday. 

Loud car engines made its way into the universities parking lot. Lance noticed that there were more cars than usual, wondering why, he approached a friend who never comes to school in the morning, let alone on a Monday.  

"Hey James! Why are you here so early?" Lance teased. 

"Hey Lance, you haven't heard? Shirogane is visiting the school and he's going to give our class a lecture!" James exclaimed. 

Lance cocked up a brow, "What? I never heard of that..." He traced his words, concerned about the unknown information he was missed out on. 

"Don't worry man, he randomly decided this morning." James replied, oblivious to Lance's worries.

After some chatter the two said their goodbyes and headed to their own paths. Now, Lance himself was exhilarated for what was to come. As he walked in the halls, it seemed that each step he took  attracted another person. He loved that. He continued to chat with those who surrounded him. In the midst of his little meet and greet and noticed the small raven haired boy. He waved to Keith with a large smile, yet Keith avoided his gaze. 

"Ouch" Lance thought, he had believed that since the two had somewhat of a bonding moment, Keith and him had become friends. Was that not so? Either way, Lance (struggled to) exited his mini cult like base and ran towards Keith. 

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" Lance teased as he got closer to Keith, who had clearly struggled to sleep. His usually bright violet eyes were tinged with red, and dark circles had formed under them. Despite his tired appearance, there was an inexplicable softness to him that Lance hadn't noticed before.

Keith grumbled a response, running a hand through his messy hair. The memory of last night's conversation haunted him. He had never been one to share personal information, let alone share it with someone like Lance. He was conflicted, unsure if he had shared too much, and the idea of Lance revealing his secrets, whether intentionally or accidentally, filled him with dread.

"Hey, you okay?" Lance asked, noticing the worry etched on Keith's face. "You look like you didn't sleep at all." Lance cupped his face to examine it. "His face is so soft" Lance said to himself.

"I'm fine," Keith replied, though his voice lacked conviction. He carefully grabbed Lance's wrist to remove his hands off his face, avoiding Lance's gaze, choosing instead to focus on the marble floor that surrounded the school. 

Lance, sensing Keith's distress, decided to reassure him. "About last night," he started, his tone serious. "I want you to know that your secrets are safe with me. I won't tell anyone, not even accidentally. I pinky promise." He held out his pinky finger. 

Keith looked at Lance, surprise evident in his eyes. He hadn't expected Lance to address his fears so directly, let alone reassure him. He felt a wave of relief wash over him, and he found himself believing Lance's promise. Amused by Lance's childish antic, he reached for his finger and their fingers interlocked, the promise was concluded as their thumbs touched. 

"Thanks, Lance," Keith said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Before Lance could reply, his phone buzzed with a reminder. "Oh, shoot! I almost forgot! Shiro is giving a presentation at our university today!"

Keith's eyes widened in surprise. "Shiro's coming here? Why didn't he tell me?"

Lance shrugged. "I guess he wanted to surprise you. Come on, let's go. We don't want to be late."

The presentation was held in the largest lecture hall of the university, a testament to Shiro's renown. Students and faculty members filled the room, their faces reflecting anticipation and excitement. As Shiro took the stage, a hush fell over the crowd.

"Good morning," Shiro began, his voice echoing in the vast room. "I'm Takashi Shirogane, but you can call me Shiro."

As Shiro delved into the intricacies of astrophysics and engineering, Lance and Keith sat in the audience, their eyes fixed on the stage. Lance was in awe of Shiro's brilliance, while Keith was filled with a sense of pride for his adoptive brother.

As the presentation came to an end, the room erupted in applause. Shiro bowed, a soft smile playing on his lips. He scanned the crowd, his eyes finally landing on Keith and Lance. He gave them a small wave, his smile widening when he saw the pride in Keith's eyes.

After the presentation, Lance and Keith made their way to Shiro. "That was amazing, Shiro!" Lance exclaimed, his eyes shining with admiration.

"Thank you..." Shiro trailed at the end. 

Lance, understanding the insinuation replied, "Lance! Lance McClain!" 

"Thank you Lance" Shiro added, chuckling at Lance's enthusiasm. 

"Is this the guy?" Shiros eyes asked as he turned to Keith. 

Keith answered with a small nod. 

Shiro's smile softened. "Did you enjoy the presentation...?" he asked. Again, trailing off at the end. 

"Keith." Keith replied, he appreciated that Shiro was trying to make it feel like he was a regular student, however whats the point if Lance already knew? 

"Ah, did you enjoy the presentation Keith?" 

Keith nodded, a proud smile on his face. "It was great, Shiro." 

"Wait, aren't you guys brothers? Why is he asking?" Lance wondered, failing to understand the interaction that had just occurred. 

Shiros eyes widen, as he exclaimed quitely, "He knows? You know?" his eyes darting from Keith to Lance. 

Keith hesitated before responding, "Yeah... I told him." 

Keith knew once got home he'll be interrogated. 

Helppp, sorry for not posting in so long. I literally had no idea how to continue the story. 

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