Opposites Attract

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         The day of their study session arrived, bringing with it an air of anticipation. Keith made his way to XXX, only to find the usually bustling place shrouded in silence, its doors closed. A small note on the door read 'Closed for Maintenance'. Keith's heart sank. The thought of having to reschedule their study session was not appealing, but as he turned to leave, he saw a familiar figure approaching.

It was Lance, his usual grin replaced by a look of surprise as he saw the closed sign. "Well, this is unexpected," he said, scratching his head. Lance could see the disappointment Keith's eyes hid. "No need to worry, my place is just around the corner. We can study there."

Keith hesitated before nodding in agreement and followed Lance to his house. The ride there was quiet, other than the Beyonce music that played between the two. As they entered, Keith was taken aback by the silence that filled the house. He had always imagined Lance's home to be as lively and bustling as the man himself, but it was eerily quiet, void of human presence.

The two settled down to study, the silence between them only broken by the occasional rustling of pages and the tapping of pens. Lance shifted in awkward in the silence, his gaze frequently darting towards Keith. Unknowing how to spark a conversation. He hated silence. On the other hand, Keith seemed lost in his books, completely oblivious to the tension in the room.

As the hours passed, the room started to darken. Lance, looking out the window, suggested, "The sunset looks amazing from my rooftop. Want to take a break and watch it?" Keith agreed, and they ascended to the roof.

Perched on the rooftop, they watched the sky change colors. From red to pink, pink to orange than yellow. The pair witnessed a spectacle of nature unfolding before their eyes. "God, I wish I don't have to go to school tomorrow. You know?" Lance complained, unfolding the uncomfortable silence. 

Keith turned to look at him, "But you seem so happy on campus. You're always surrounded by a swarm of people."

Lance shrugged, "Yeah, I guess it's better than complete silence."

Keith retorted back, "I think silence can be comforting."

Lance looked at him, "Yeah? I find a lively environment comforting. It drowns out any unwanted thoughts."

Keith chuckled, "Yeah? I guess we're opposites."

"Hey, opposites attract, right?" Lance chortled, staring that the dark haired male. He always saw Keith from a couple feet away, now he was right in front of him. His eyes were truly beautiful. The dark violet eyes so rare it mesmerized him. 

There was a pause before Lance finally broke the question, "How come you were never a part of the swarm?"

Keith looked puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Lance clarified, "I mean, I attract so many people, yet you never bat an eye at my presence. Why is that?"

Keith took a deep breath and said truthfully, "Well, to be honest, I found your personality and antics to be annoying."

Lance looked at him, puzzled. 


"Just the truth." Keith shrugged, slowly sitting up.

A pause of silence filled the atmosphere between them, the chill air swerving around them.

"You know you make a specific cocky grin whenever you have to physically look down at the people around you?" Keith specifies, being the first to break the confused look on Lances face. 

"I always thought you were one of those arrogant and loud guys in movie cliches. But, I guess, from what I know now, I may have been wrong." He continued, avoiding the gaze of Lances eyes. 

"My house is quiet. Like all the time, my parents are constantly out of the house, my siblings moved out, they have their own family. It gets lonely." His voice was barely a whisper against the gentle rustling of the wind, but his words carried a weight that echoed in the silence. "And when we do meet up, I'm always the odd one out." The house that was once filled with life had become quiet and lifeless as each McClain graduated and moved out, eventually settling somewhere else and starting their new life without Lance. The silence was deafening, a constant reminder of the isolation he felt despite being the youngest. The lively social events, the constant attention, and the popularity he enjoyed at school helped as an escape from the solitude that awaited him at home. They served as a distraction, a comforting noise that drowned out his seclusion. 

The sun dipped lower in the sky, exposing the night sky. Keith recognized the words that were filled with a sense of melancholy that was rarely seen beneath Lance's cheerful exterior. 

"I was an orphan."

Lances head shot up, hearing a sentence he never thought of escape the lips of Keith Kogane. 

"And I don't know where my mom is. My died in a fire incident, he went back to get those left behind in the building but it collapsed." Keith was no stranger to loneliness, the discovery of Lance being familiar with it to brought a sense of connection. "I could always hear the neighbors whisper, the kids gossiping. They acted like I wasn't there even though I could feel them pointing at me." The rumors that surrounded his personal life had driven him further into his shell. His youth was marred by bullying and the harsh judgement of others, pushing him to seek comfort in solitude and silence. The absence of chatter meant no whispers, no gossip, and no judgement. It was in the silence that Keith found his peace. 

"My school had Garrison cadets come and show us a craft simulator, we got to take turns on it. I got the highest score." Keith flexed, cracking a small smile as he remembered the joy he felt back then. 

"Wait, wait wait." Lance sat up straighter, his eyes shot with curiosity. "Were you cadet #5002?" he exclaimed. 

"Um, yeah? I think so. I can't remember that well, but if it was the top score then yeah." 

"No way!" Lance relieved, "I remember being so shocked I got second place!" 

"I heard a famous space cadet took you under his wing! Who was it?"

"Yeah." Keith chuckled, admiring the enthusiasm from Lance. "Shiro did, he actually ended up adopting me." Shiro was a pillar of strength, a beacon of hope, and a source of comfort for Keith, he was proud to call him his brother. 

Lance's jaw seemed to drop deeper after every word that left Keith's mouth. 

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