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Chapter 38: Young

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Rosa returns to me and Theo while stirring a salve I worry will smell rather funky, but when she shows it to me, I sneak a sniff, and, surprisingly, it smells like chamomile with hints of jasmine.

I remain in Theo's lap as she spreads the mixture carefully on my battered wrist.

"Apply the ointment three times a day—morning, midday, and before bed—wrap it with this," Rosa hands over another roll of the soft, stretchy bandage material, "like I showed you, and wear this on top." She provides a sleek yet sturdy leather brace.

I gather the extras in my lap while she secures the brace on me.

"If you stick to this routine and keep it immobilized—that means no shifting—you should be good as new in about a week," Rosa explains. "Come see me if you're still experiencing pain or discomfort after seven days, alright?"

Theo helps me up even though my legs are perfectly fine.

"She will," He says.

The sky has gone dark by the time we leave. Theo holds the door for me, steadies me as I walk down the wise woman's front steps, and juggles my medical supplies and bag.

"I should bring Lily her stuff," I say considering her guest house is on the way home.

"I'll come with you."

I glance at him as we join the main path, his face dimly lit by the many house lights. "It's okay. I'm sure you have a lot to do before dinner."

"It can wait," He says even though I know that's likely not true. Our impending war with Belrose is at its tipping point, and Theo's been busier than ever. Taking me to the wise woman already set him back, I'm sure.

"It's fine, really. I know you have places to be." I stop, take my bag from him, and then open it to put my salve and bandages inside. "I can handle it."

I hang the bag on my right shoulder and smile. Theo exhales, seeming uneasy.

"It can't be that serious if I'll be healed in a few days," I reason.

Theo tentatively glances in the direction of the fields where I'm certain he has to go. "She said seven days."

"I've got it from here. I'll see you at the pack house in a bit."

I start walking away so he's forced to leave me, and I don't look back because, if he catches me, he might conjure some excuse, feeling too guilty to stop treating me like I'm blown from glass.

I'll have to show him this injury isn't a big deal, which means learning to clasp my bras with one hand, although, the idea of his continued help with that is quite tempting. I spend the remainder of my walk to Lily's recalling the feel of his knuckles and penetrating gaze on my bare skin.

As I follow the flagstones laid before her guest house, I will my fantasies away, so, by the time I'm across the porch and knocking on her door, my mind is clear and ready. Lily opens up after a minute or two. By her pajamas and tousled hair, I can only assume she's been in bed.

"Hi." I smile but make sure neither my voice nor grin is too overwhelming. "Is this a bad time? I have some things for you."

"You do?" Lily questions, sounding sleepy but not opposed to my visit. She opens the door wider and lets me in. "What happened to your wrist?"

The interior of the guest house looks the same as it did yesterday, not a pillow out of place. "Oh, I hurt it while running. I went with Theo to Rowan. Have you eaten?"

"Oh, um, here and there. But what do you mean you hurt it? Are you okay?"

Lily animates once she realizes I'm heading for the kitchen.

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