15th of August 1947

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On 15th of August 1947, all the dreams came true. The treacherous British Empire released it's grip and the Indian Subcontinent happily observed the sunrise that called for a new day, a new life. Like that of a caged bird who finally tasted freedom and flapped it's wings, swearing high in the mysterious sky, India and it's people rose to life.
But did they? Why should a sixteen year old girl's heart bleed everytime she visited a railway station? Why should tears run down her face while going to a family trip, that is supposed to be joyous?
India is a country where women are worshipped every year. Tell me why women can't walk down the streets in the same country? In a country where menstruation is worshipped, women always face insulting comments for a merely natural phenomenon. Why are the people who gave their lives for our sake should be called as "terrorists" in their own country? Why is the caged bird not brave enough? Why is it still feeling an attraction towards it's golden cage?
Is this what they dreamt of? The souls that were tortured in the cells of dark jails did not dream of such a country. Is this what Independence  supposed to mean to you ? to me ? Or the homeless men in the footpaths who pick up the tricolour that are stepped on by several leather boots?

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