Distorted History

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The biggest crime you can possibly do to someone is to wipe them off from the face of history. People might think history is not that vital of a subject in the present day but it actually moulds our thoughts regarding the society, the nation and the people who apparently played an important role in it's timeline. Actually, it is a "dangerous" subject if you come to think of it.

Don't worry, I will prove my point with examples. For many years historians of India used to abide by the book "Discovery of India" which is well.....You know who wrote it right? The saddest part is that the book is filled with misogynistic concepts. Many historians were sons or daughters of Congressmen. As a result, the history was obviously biased. I mean I really don't have to tell anything myself actually. A book of standard X which is focused on the freedom struggle of India does not mention the name of - Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru, Chandrasekhar Azad, Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashfaqulla Khan, Bagha Jatin and his associates........Should I go on? The list is never ending. A student of standard X does not know of the "Rodda Company loot" but they can easily recall each and every satyagraha movement be it a large one or an extremely small one. Of course, you cannot forget about the "Not-So-Conventional Freedom Fighter" , Bose. He was cropped down to the smallest he could be cropped to. Just like how "Lord" Mountbatten destroyed the memorials of INA martyrs, we are destroying their contribution by not trying to learn about them and being ignorant. Saddest part is that several names have been wiped off from the face of History due to lack of research which is a result of lack of interest from the government. Who thinks of cultivating true history really? We just need get all those votes and try to keep ourselves relevant. Patriotism? Unbiased love towards one's country? Who's got time for that ?

Remember that song? " De di hume Azaadi bina kharg bina dhal/Sabarmati ke sant tune kardiya kamal" ? It was a song from a children's movie. They did not think twice before insulting all the freedom fighters who gave up their lives for their motherland. For them, all that blood played no role in the freedom struggle. People think the the Britishers left for Gandhi and his "Quit India Movement" but if we pay a little attention to our lovely years and our common sense, we would know that Quit India Movement was never the primal cause. Quit India movement ended in 1945. The British never expressed that they would have to leave India due to the World War or Quit India movement in the time period whatsoever. Then what made them leave India ? Heard of the "Red Fort Trial"? Followed by the "Naval Mutiny"? A revolt in the army was the last thing they needed. It was something that they were known to be extremely afraid of. The poor little guys had to ban the Bengal Regiment due the revolt of 1857. But what about your books? They ignored it like it never happened. Didn't they?

It's okay if you think that I am a try-to-be-smart-ass but I don't think you would think the same about the then Prime minister of Britain. Clement Attlee came to India after independence and visited Kolkata. When inquired by the mayor of Kolkata, he smirked and stated that Gandhi's role in independence was "minimal" .Yes, these were his exact words. Infact, it was Bose and his INA that drove them off. Yes, we got independence without any "kharg" or "dhal". They decided to leave us on a fine sunny morning taking a sip from the cup of their aromatic Dareeling tea.

Why is Gandhi hated by so many? Was he some kind of evil manipulator? No, of course not. Some things are not even his own faults actually. He got worshipped by history and the western media because he was "conventional" while other freedom fighters were completely shoved off and blacked out. When people get to know about the true facts and how Gandhi kept his ego above his country many people tend to hate him and villainize him because he took all the credit and was obviously found to overrated by many. Do I hate him? No. But, he was definitely not a saint as the west describes him to be. Yet, an Indian boy gets severely harrassed for wearing a shirt that read "Bose was not a Nazi" by several American politicians. Yes, in today's time. I would end with a simple question. Where is your spinal cord, India?

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