Chapter One

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I'm sorry this chapter is late- life's been kind of all over the place, BUT here is Chapter One of A Dance With Shadows.

I hope you enjoy it. <3


A Dance With Shadows
Chapter One

Keira Eldridge

I hesitantly walk toward my father's office. He had called me over half an hour ago and I hadn't answered. The weight dragging my feet grew incomprehensibly heavy as I neared the door. Lifting my arm slowly, I place two soft knocks on the door, hearing a grunt in response. I open the door slowly, my dad looks up from his mahogany desk, papers scattered across the dark surface.

"Ah, hija, [...daughter]," he sighs, pulling a stack of paper from the edge of his desk, he waves me over to him. "Here is your next assignment."

I approach his desk, seeing 'TRAINEE' written in a deep red script. Do I have to go to training? After all this time, he chooses now? "What's this, padre [...father]?"

He looks up slowly from his paperwork, signing a document before giving me his attention. "Training."

"Yes, Pa, I see that, but why?"

"Well, you've refused to marry into the Alva family-"

"Why would I marry into a rival clan when we are the most powerful clan?"

He clears his throat, "As I was saying, you've refused to marry Maddox, and so  you will go through training."


"Because you need more training."


"Enough, Keira. You begin training tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Where?"

"Yes. Tomorrow, hija. You will be training at the clan facilities."

I sigh, accepting the stack of paper from my father. I exit the room, pulling the door shut behind me with a silent click. Continuing through the hall, I let my arm hang with the papers. Why did I even accept them in the first place? I've had so much training, why should I need more?

I push the door open at the end of the dark hallway, feeling a rush of air from the air conditioning. Slowly, I pick up my pace, eventually jogging down the spiraling staircase. I see movement from the large window above me, looking up, I see cardinals, chirping and flying together. How pretty. The air is stolen from my lungs suddenly. What just happened?

I look up from my new position on the ground, "Holy shit- sorry, I didn't see you coming." A dark-haired man says rapidly, concern dripping from his rich voice.

I shake my head slowly, trying to clear the stars that were probably circling my head. "No- no, you're fine, I should've been paying attention, I'm sorry." The man reaches his hand out for me to grab. I take it, standing up slowly. "Who- who are you?"

He clears his throat, smirking slightly. "Maddox Alva." Wait. I just ran into the guy whose marriage proposal I rejected a week ago. Fuck, this is awkward. "And you are?"

"Ah, Keira, Keira Eldridge." My face flushed when I saw the shock wash over his face, clearly not expecting to see me.

"Oh, so you're the one who rejected my father's proposal?"

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