Chapter Three

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I know it's been a while... I made a post about it a few days ago, my deepest apologies. My computer is literally gone- won't even turn on or anything :(

Either way, here is this week's chapter, I really hope you enjoy it.

I WILL WARN YOU; there is some sensitive content in here, such as murder, human trafficking, implications of S/A, etc. So if these topics are triggering for you, please take some time for yourself, and take care of yourself.

Now, here is Chapter Three of A Dance With Shadows.


A Dance With Shadows
Chapter Three

Keira Eldridge

We've been in the car for an hour. When will we be there? I sigh and look over to Roman, noticing his impatient glare growing as well. "Are we almost there?" I ask, realizing no GPS is running in the car.

"Yeah, we'll be there in a little bit. Probably ten or so more minutes."

I nod, unlocking my phone to scroll through Instagram. I continue to scroll until Roman takes a breath, slowing down near a large, but beautiful building, "We're here?"

"Pretty much."

I take one last breath before opening the door on my side, stepping out of the low car and onto the muddy ground. "You couldn't have parked closer? I'm gonna have mud on my shoes!" I complain to Roman, pushing my phone into my back pocket.

"Do you want to get ambushed?" I sigh, agreeing with his decision. "That's what I thought."

"Dios mío, te voy a dar un puñetazo muy fuerte. [Oh my god, I'm going to punch you so hard.]" I mutter, climbing out of the steep ditch he chose to park in.

"What was that?"

"Nothing at all, hermano. []"

"Yeah. Sure." He opens the trunk, revealing his small collection of traveling weapons. "Ready to kill this shit?"

"If by 'this shit' you mean 'terrible people,' then absolutely."

"Right, so, these guys- I won't lie, they're big. They're definitely gonna take a liking to you- especially with you being alone for the most part."

"You're leaving me?"

"No, you're just gonna look like you ran in alone, okay?" I nod, exhaling a quick breath as he continues talking, "Padre will be here to take care of any hostages or customers after we give him the go-ahead."

"How bad will it be?"

He takes a moment, "Well, let's just say you don't want to hear their crimes before we go in there, don't want you going all Terminator, now do we?"

"What did they do?"

"You can read the file on our way home- for now, just kill anyone with a red spiral on their hand, their leader David, shouldn't be there. But if he is, his mark is on his neck, okay?" I nod, grabbing a pistol from the trunk. "Treat this like we normally do, try to use your knives as much as you can so you don't signal the others, okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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