Chapter Two

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Another chapter! Wow- I actually got this out on time- honestly what a shock.

Anyway, I enjoyed writing this one (probably because he's already my favorite character), and I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

But anyway, I won't keep you any longer - enjoy!!


A Dance With Shadows

Chapter Two

Everett Walters

I pull into my parking space, watching as Dawson and Xander do the same. I step out of my car, adjusting my blazer so the suit will fit properly. "Hey, Xander," I give him a fist bump as Dawson trails behind, "Hey, man." I give him a fist bump, as well.

We push open the large doors, and the boys revel in their superiority. I'm not that arrogant. I don't love the idea of pretending like I'm better than someone just because I have more money. I shake the doorman's hand, "Ah, how has this morning been treating you, Ralph?"

Ralph smiles warmly at me, "Oh, you know... Just wish I had more coffee!" He chuckles softly, a smile landing on my face.

"Call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."



"Drop this 'sir' business- you know I don't care for it."

"Of course, s- Of course."

"Have a wonderful day, Ralph."

"You too."

I push my hand in my pocket, watching the morning bustle of my building. Alright. Let's get this party started.

I walk over to the PA system, and push the button to turn it on, "Good morning, everyone." The bustle pauses, and everyone turns to face me. "I know, I know, Mondays, right?"

I hear a chuckle from the small crowd, "Alright. So, on the table today: we must get in front of the Alva Clan. I don't want them to, so much as, breathe without our knowledge, got it?"

A collective nod is given, and I step away from the podium, turning off the system. I pull open the large doors leading to the training rooms, peering through each window as I go by. I stop at the last room on the left, seeing the trainees sitting on the small tables against the walls. I open the door.

When the students realize it's me, they jump up, standing in front of me. "What are you guys doing?" Nobody responds, each stares down, their hands crossed behind their back. I walk in front of a person, and he looks up when I stop, making eye contact, "What are you guys doing?" I ask him, keeping my hands in my suit pockets.

"W-waiting for o-our trainer." He stumbles out, looking past me, rather than at me.

Where the hell is Cyrus? I sigh, "And you all just collectively decided not to find someone to figure out where the hell he is?" A pause is felt in the air, "None of you?" The students stay silent, and many of their shoulders slump.

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