Chapter Two

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Everyone turns their attention to the massive gash on Feizao's back, most likely caused by a weapon.

"Jesus, are you okay, Feizao? You're bleeding like crazy!" Figs asks, standing up.

"Yes, I'm fine, I'm just glad I made it into the base before they could kill me." Feizao reached for a water bottle, but it just went through his paw.

"dammit, I'll never get used to being a goo.."

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now, we almost lost a goo to some humans.

"Feizao, please don't tell me that they saw you come in here. Our entire base could become useless if they-"

My sentence is instantly cut off by the sound of something over the loudpeaker.

"attention all Laminax exployees, we have detected a disturbance in the power system. We have initiated a Power Outage sequence. Please stand by until further notice." Power outages aren't much of a threat, they just make it harder to see where you're going. A slimepup approaches from behind me, pawing at my leg. I turn toward it.

"Hey there, little pup." I say, placing my large paw on his tiny head, petting it gently.

I seem to have befriended it. Great.

Feizao has a circle around him, asking him questions about how he got his cut, and yet he never answered my question about the humans. I just wanted to know if we're all going to die or not. Not like that's important or anything.

Hazzy tells us that we should all get some rest, so we do.
Hazzy is sort of like a leader to us, in a way. We don't follow their orders or anything, but every just seems to listen to them and agree with them whenever they make a statement. Except for Catte. Catte is his own thing, he doesn't listen to anyone but himself, and is always scared of something new.
Me? I just sit and watch.

"Fashui, I'm a little scared.." Sprinklekit whimpers, curling up to me some more, cross-contaminating our goo coatings.
I give her a gentle shove, signifying that I don't want to be touched.
"Sprinkle, will you stop being so weird? I saved you, once, and we can just leave it at that."
To my surprise, Sprinklekit actually listened, and moved away. I didn't think it'd be so easy. I don't feel bad or anything, I don't know why I would.
The slime pup I pet earlier is sitting in my lap, taking a nap while Hazzy and Figs and a bunch of other gootraxians huddle around Feizao.

Feizao and I have a... odd relationship. We used to be friends, but now we only speak if we really have to... which is pretty much never.

I'm watching as Sprinklekit joins the crowd of people around Feizao, and I can feel my eyelids becoming heavy. So, I lie my head back, and fall asleep, after what had seemed like forever since I had taken a nap.

The next morning, I can already hear the sounds of gootraxians preparing for another day of fighting humans. Feizao is staying in the base today, because "their injury is too deep," according to Hazzy.
Frankly, I think Feizao is fine. When I was bitten by one of the sharks and had blood pouring out of my arm a couple weeks ago, nobody cared.
Honestly, why am I surprised? Everyone loves Feizao, he's the favorite, and is always being pampered. He's basically useless when it comes to fighting, so him staying in the base won't make much of a difference.

The day starts out with me and Sinox walking through the garden area, looking to see if there's any humans nearby. To our luck, there are none in sight, but there's something on a shelf.

A little white keycard.

Sinox climbs up and onto the shelf, grabbing it and tossing it to me. I inspect every angle, and it's identical to the one that Hazzy had in his pocket.

"Another keycard? What are these for..." I say, rotating it in between my paws. Sinox comes up from behind me, looking at the keycard from over my shoulder. He's just as confused as I am, or so I thought.

"I've seen that keycard on a poster in the storage room, something out a evacuation plan?" Sinox says to me, pointing at the card. Evacuation plan? What could that mean...
"What would anyone have to evacuate from? Us, perhaps?" I respond, handing Sinox the card. "Actually, Sinox, could you show me where this poster is? I have no idea what you're referring to." Sinox nods, and Leads me out of the garden, through the cave, across the bridge, and to the storage room, where there's a few forklifts and a vending machine in a corner.
Sinox points to a medium-sized, yellow poster, with a photo of a human on it, holding a keycard and wearing a helmet. Under the human, it says, I'm big letters, 'DONT FORGET TO GRAB YOUR KEYCARD, IN CASE OF PURIFICATION EVACUATION!' so, Hazzy was right. The keycards do have something to do with the purification.

And not only that, but this confirms that the purification is intact, real.

And it's coming soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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