Leah's POV

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It all seemed to happen so fast, when I first heard that they needed an Annabeth for the new Percy Jackson show, all I felt was longing. I knew that if I auditioned, all it would cause would be disappointment. I knew that Annabeth was blonde and white, both of which I am not.

But nonetheless, I sent in an audition almost as a joke, just to humor my brother, Floyd. He knew how much I loved the books, and was begging me for weeks to audition. One day I finally gave in and  sent in an audition tape. It had been nearly 2 months since I sent in the audition.

I had not really given it a second thought until I received an email: 


We were pleased with your performance in your audition tape, we would like you to come to New York in 2 days to do chemistry reads, congratulations!

Rick Riordan 


"What, what, what?" Floyd says panting from running up the stairs

I turned around the computer so he could read the email, I sat their excitedly as I watched his eyes gradually open wider and wider, until suddenly he sprang up from his seat and spun me around.

"Leah, YOU DID IT" Floyd says excitedly

I laughed and then screamed with him, suddenly the door burst open again, and this time it was my mom.

"What's all this screaming about." She asked


Then my mom started screaming right along with us! 

"I'm so proud of you honey " she says

" Thanks mom" I said with a smile

Then suddenly it hit me, "Oh my gosh, I have to pack, I have to book a plane ticket, I have t-" my mom cuts me off

"Let me take care of that honey, you just get your stuff ready and try to relax a little" my mom says

"Bu-" she cuts me off again, " I'll take care of it, you just pack" she says


                                                               Time skip

24 hours later I was boarding a plane to New York with just my brother because my mom couldn't come.

Me and Floyd has separate seats because we had booked the flight so last minute. I was just about to put on my headphone and take a nap when a boy about my age with curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes walked up to my seat

" is this seat taken" He asked

" My mom and sister kicked me out of my seat" he said while smiling 

I laughed, " no this seats not taken, feel free"

He sighed a relieved sigh and sat down next to me

" Thanks, so what's your name" he asked while looking at me intently, he had the kind of eyes that you could look into for hours and never get bored.

"Leah, Leah Jeffries" I said

He gasped and put his hand over his heart, " No way! That's my name " He says dramatically 

I laughed so hard that the person in front of us looked back at us like we were mentally ill. Which only made us laugh harder

He had a smile that could make you feel so warm inside

" But seriously" I managed to get in between laughs " What's your name."

" Walker, Walker Scobell"

A/N: Chapter 1 DONE, Im  sorry if this is bad, this is my first story. But look at that, we already met Walker! I'll try and update as soon as I can❤️

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