Leah's POV

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I figured that it would at least be a little awkward with Walker in the car, but the second we got to the car everything was back to normal. My cheeks had returned to normal color and we were talking the same way we were on the way to the mall.

Everything is going smoothly , I thought

That was until we pulled up to the hotel.....

We were all laughing at something Floy said, until we noticed Walkers mom sitting outside the front door with all of our suitcases. When we had all finally noticed her, Leena went running towards her

" What's wrong mom, why is all our stuff out here?" She asked 

" The hotels closed for repairs, they won't be open for 3 days" she said with a grim look on her face

" Where are we going to stay? I have to stay for another 4 days, to hear about the cast" I asked

(For the sake of the story, please just pretend that she has to be there in person, and that it only takes 4 days to hear about a cast list)

" There's another hotel about 3 blocks from here, I figured we could all stay together there" Walkers mom suggested 

Everybody agreed, and we all piled in the car

Time skip to the hotel

When we arrived at the hotel, we were all feeling pretty happy that we had found another hotel so quick 

We walked up to book our rooms, when the lady at the front desk gave us some news.

" I'm sorry, we only have 4 rooms available at the moment, do you want me to book them for you?" She asked with that fake smile on her face

It took me a good 30 seconds to process what she said

" Wait, but there are 5 of us" I asked 

( Again, just pretend that the Scobell's couldn't share, and Leah and Floyd couldn't share)

" That's fine" Mrs. Scobell jumped in, " Well take the rooms"

The lady smiled and handed us 4 keycards 

" I call my own room" Leena said

"Me too" said Floyd 

" Me three" Mrs Scobell called out 

I nodded, I was used to sharing a room. Then I froze

" Wait, does that mean that we have-" I started, looking at Walker

" Yup" Leena said, grinning 

" But-" Me and Walker exclaimed at the same time

" And THAT is why you two have to share, you are PERFECT for each other" she said with a swoon look on her face

Me and Walker turned bright red, and looked down

" BUT, I better not walk in to any making out, because I will literally ba-" Leena started 

" And that's enough Leena, leave the poor kids alone" Mrs. Scobell said, saving us from more embarrassment 

" Thanks Mrs. Scobell" I said gratefully 

" Anytime dear" she said sweetly

Then she paused

" But of I walk in to any making out, we WILL be having a conversation" she said sternly

Leena started cackling when me and Walker turned bright red

" Can we just find our rooms" Walker said, embarrassed 

We started walking towards our room, when i remembered, Leena had our key card

" Leena, can I have the key card" I asked

She smirked, and handed me one from the bottom

Uh oh

" 237, this is us" Walker said 

I unlocked the door, and walked into the room, behind Walker

" Are you KIDDING me!" Walker exclaimed 

" what" I asked curiously 

I peeked out from behind Walker

" oh, I'm gonna KILL Leena" I said

Yup, you guessed it

One bed

A/N, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know, I know, the one bed trope is cliche. But I just  HAD to. The next chapter should be out tonight ❤️

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