Leah's POV

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The whole car ride to the mall, me and Walker were talking about EVERYTHING. We realized that even though we were already best friends, we really didn't know that much about each other. So we spent the whole car ride just talking

Once we arrived at the mall, we decided that me and Walker would go off and do our thing, while Leena and Floyd went off on their own.

Their reason was that they wanted to get to know each other better, but the way Floyd winked as he walked off, gave me the feeling that they just wanted me and Walker to be alone together.

And of course the first thing we saw were.... Batman pajamas 

Walker looked at me with joy in his eyes

"Leah, pleeeeeease can we get matching ones" he said hopefully 

I rolled my eyes, " No Walker" I said 

" Please, please, please, please, please, please, pleeeeease" he said said

" I'm just going to keep asking until you say yes" he said with a smirk 

To keep my sanity intact, I agreed

But the gleeful look in his eyes when we bought them, almost made up for it.

 We were walking out of the store, when a girl about our age, with blonde hair and light blue eyes comes up to us.

" OMG, are you Walker Scobell, I'm literally your biggest fan" the girl said with amazement in her eyes

" Uh yes, I am, I'm always happy to meet a fan" Walker said with a awkward smile 

" Can I take a photo with you" the girl asked

" Of course" He said

" Can you take the photo." The girl asked me

" uh, sure" I asked taking the phone

After I took the photo, the girl smiled and stared to wave goodbye, she was about to walk away, when Walker asked her something

" Wait, do you want a picture with her, she's going to be Annabeth in Percy Jackson" Walker said with a  smug smile 

" Walker this really isn't nec-" I started before she cut me off

The girl crinkles her nose

" how can she be Annabeth, she isn't even white" she said with a annoyed tone in her voice

Walker turned red with anger

" Hey, just bec-" She cut him off again

" You would be better off with me as your Annabeth, look at me, I'm white and blonde" She said while grabbing Walkers arm

My eyes started to well up

"I'm gonna go for a walk" I said quickly before I started crying

Walkers POV (😱)

I was getting ready to punch that girl, when Leah rattled off some excuse to go for a walk, while I could tell she was about to cry

I was about to run after her, when the girl grabbed my arm again

" Let her go, she was never going to be anything anyways, you should just drop her and be with me" she said with a smirk and an eye roll

I jerked my arm away from her

" That's it, I'm sick of your crap. Leah is the best girl I have ever met, she's talented, pretty, and kind. That's WAY more than you can say. So you need to get lost before you say anything else you regret" I said angrily 

The girl rolled her eyes, " Are you guys dating or something"

I stopped in my tracks

" What, NO, I mean- it's not important, just leave" I said, turning red

The girl just gave a smug look, and stalked off without another word

" What a bitch"  I said under my breath

The remembered

" Leah!" I exclaimed, and went off to go find her 

Leah's POV 

After I walked off, I sat in the darkest corner I could find, and started crying

She's right, I have NO chance of getting the role, what was I even thinking, of course someone like her would get the role

That only made me cry more. I don't know how long i sat there crying, but after what felt like hours, I felt arms wrap around me.

I knew it was Walker the second I got a whiff of what the person smelled like. Walker always smelled like coconut 

I looked up with tears, as my brown eyes met his blue ones

He must've know that I wasn't ready to talk yet, so he just sat there with his arms around me until I stopped crying

When I was finally ready to talk, I pulled away and looked him in the eye

" She's right, what was I thinking . Of course someone like her would get the roll. She blonde, white, and beautiful. Maybe they should pick someone lik-" Walker cut me off

" You don't honestly believe that, do you. You are the PERFECT person to play her. You're feisty, kind and insanely beautiful. I wouldn't want anyone else to be by my side"  He said with a look of admiration on his face

I smiled, " Thanks Walker"

" Anytime" he said

I didn't realize we were both leaning in, until we were centimeters away

I must be dreaming...

But, alas, all dreams must end

Right when our lips were about to meet, we heard Floyd's voice from behind us

Me and Walker pulled away as fast as we could, and were both BRIGHT red

When Floyd realized where we were, he came running towards us

" There you guys are, we've been looking all over for you" he said

Then he noticed how red our faces were

He groaned

" I just ruined a perfect Waleah moment, didn't I" He said with a look on his face

" Yup" Leena said from behind us

Me and Walker jumped

" Where did you come from" He said with his hand over his heart

" Oh me? I was here the whole time, can I just say, THAT WAS THE CUTEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN" Leena said with a squeal

If it was possible, me and Walker turned an even darker shade of red 

" Also, are we just gonna completely ignore the fact that Walker called Leah beautiful" Leena asked

" YUP" me and Walker said at the same time

We exchanged a look, and then quickly looked away

" ahh, young love" Leena said with a swoon in her voice

I rolled my eyes as I continued blushing

" Wait, what's going on" Floyd said cluelessly 

Leena sighed, and patted him on the shoulder 

" I'll tell you when your older" she said leading the 4 of us back to the car

A/N- I finally updated🥳 I personally REALLY liked this chapter. The way Walker stuck up for her was 👨‍🍳💋 Have a good day/night!

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